9 Easy Resistance Band Exercises to Give Your Whole Body a Workout (2025)

  • Health
  • Wellness

You'll be surprised by what a strip of elastic rubber can do for your exercise routine.


Rachel Shelasky

9 Easy Resistance Band Exercises to Give Your Whole Body a Workout (1)

Rachel Shelasky

Rachel Shelasky has contributed travel, fashion, and fitness articles to a number of publications, including Real Simple. As president of her family's custom clothing company, Hollywood Fourth, Rachel has been profiled in Entrepreneur.com and The New York Times. Highlights: * President of a family-owned, custom apparel company, Hollywood Fourth * Worked as a travel editor and writer for lifestyle publications * Worked as a reporter for Real Simple, Life & Style, and Us Weekly

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Melissa Matthews

9 Easy Resistance Band Exercises to Give Your Whole Body a Workout (2)

Melissa Matthews

Melissa Matthews is the features editor at Real Simple covering health, lifestyle, fitness, money, travel, pets, and relationships.

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Updated on September 26, 2024

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Isaac Winter

Fact checked byIsaac Winter

Isaac Winter is a fact-checker and writer for Real Simple, ensuring the accuracy of content published by rigorously researching content before publication and periodically when content needs to be updated. Highlights: Helped establish a food pantry in West Garfield Park as an AmeriCorps employee at Above and Beyond Family Recovery Center. Interviewed Heartland Alliance employees for oral history project conducted by the Lake Forest College History Department. Editorial Head of Lake Forest College's literary magazine, Tusitala, for two years.

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9 Easy Resistance Band Exercises to Give Your Whole Body a Workout (3)

If you wish to try some new at-home exercises, consider a stairs workout or a resistance band workout—a series of exercises completed with stretchy, elastic resistance bands. You may think you need fancy gym equipment but a resistance bands can work arms, legs, abs, and more: Consider it a full-body workout. "In fact, some of the most effective workouts require little more than your own body and a simple piece of equipment," says David McMahan, Director of Training & Technique at Pure Barre. "With just one small, flexible band, you can challenge your muscles, build strength, and improve your overall fitness," he says.

And resistance band exercises are perfect for beginners who are just getting startedworking out. Paired with stretching exercises for recovery, this can be a great place to start. Resistance band workouts are low-impact, which can protect joints, and resistance bands themselves are affordable, easy to find, and even easier to store.

Working out with resistance bands can include a range of exercises for a variety of body parts, making it an effective workout whether you have a home gym or are using your living room as a workout space. Workout videos can help as you learn the exercises, but you can also use these clear, simple diagrams to learn a few resistance band moves to get started. From a resistance band lunge to squats with a chest-working overhead press, these exercises will help you get stronger, one move at a time.

The Resistance Band Routine

9 Easy Resistance Band Exercises to Give Your Whole Body a Workout (4)

Think you need a pile of weights to get in shape? Snap out of it and grab an exercise band instead. This portable piece of equipment may even be more effective than a set of dumbbells because it improves strength and balance. Plus, "you work in a full range of motion, so it targets muscles that you can miss with weights," says creator of this routine,Lawson Harris, CPT. Try these exercises three times a week.

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Lunge With Bicep Curl

9 Easy Resistance Band Exercises to Give Your Whole Body a Workout (5)

  • (A) Place the center of the band under the instep of your left foot and position your right foot about two feet behind you.
  • (B) With an underhand grip on the resistance band's handles, perform a bicep curl while bending your knees to lower into a lunge position.
  • Complete 20 repetitions. Switch legs and repeat.

02of 09

Hug-the-World Plié

9 Easy Resistance Band Exercises to Give Your Whole Body a Workout (6)

  • (A) Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width apart, toes out. Wrap the band around your back at bra level. Extend arms to sides, slightly curved, while holding the resistance band just shy of the handles.
  • (B) Bring fingertips together and bend knees until thighs are parallel to the floor. Open arms while returning to start.
  • Repeat 20 times.

03of 09

Squat With Overhead Press

9 Easy Resistance Band Exercises to Give Your Whole Body a Workout (7)

  • (A) Stand in the middle of the band with feet parallel and shoulder-width apart. Hold handles at shoulder height, with palms facing away from you and elbows bent.
  • (B) Squat deeply while pressing your arms directly over your head. Keep your weight on your heels and resist the resistance band as you return to a standing position.
  • Repeat 20 times.

04of 09

Crunch With Lat Pull-Down

9 Easy Resistance Band Exercises to Give Your Whole Body a Workout (8)

  • (A) Loop the band around a stable object, like a doorknob.
  • (B) Lie on your back, gripping the band's handles with arms extended. Raise your legs and bend your knees so your shins are parallel to the floor.
  • (C) Crunch your upper body forward while drawing your arms toward your knees. Roll back to starting position.
  • Repeat 20 times.

05of 09

Side Lunge With Side Raise

9 Easy Resistance Band Exercises to Give Your Whole Body a Workout (9)

  • (A) Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width apart, one end of the resistance band under the left foot. Grip the other handle with the left hand.
  • (B) Step into a lunge with the right foot; sweep the left hand down toward the right foot.
  • (C) Push off with right foot to return to standing; raise right leg as you perform a lateral raise with left arm.
  • Repeat 20 times; switch sides.

06of 09


9 Easy Resistance Band Exercises to Give Your Whole Body a Workout (10)

  • (A) Stand on the center of the resistance band with your feet parallel and wider than shoulder-width apart, knees soft, and handles in your hands.
  • (B) Bend your torso to the right while drawing your left elbow upward. Alternate sides briskly.
  • Repeat 20 times. (And no cheating: Two sides equal one repetition!)

07of 09

Banded Clamshells

9 Easy Resistance Band Exercises to Give Your Whole Body a Workout (11)

  • (A) Place the band above your knees and lie on your side. Keep your legs stacked and knees bent at a 90-degree angle, McMahan advises.
  • (B) Keep your feet together and lift your top knee as high as you can without shifting your hips. Lower your knee back down to complete one rep.
  • Repeat for 10-15 reps then switch sides.

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Standing Lateral Leg Raises

9 Easy Resistance Band Exercises to Give Your Whole Body a Workout (12)

  • (A) Stand with the band looped around your ankles, McMahan says. Keep your feet hip-width apart and parallel. You can hold onto a stable surface for balance if needed.
  • (B) Lift one leg out to the side, keeping it straight and toes pointed forward. Lower the leg back down with control and repeat on the other side.
  • Repeat for 10 reps then switch sides.

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Banded Glute Bridge

9 Easy Resistance Band Exercises to Give Your Whole Body a Workout (13)

  • (A) Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and the band looped just above your knees, McMahan says.
  • (B) Press your knees outward adding tension to the band and engaging the outer thighs. Then press through your heels to lift your hips upward until your body forms a straight line from shoulders to knees.
  • (C) Hold for 2 counts at the top, then slowly lower back down for 2 counts, all while keeping tension on the band.
  • Repeat for 10 reps.

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9 Easy Resistance Band Exercises to Give Your Whole Body a Workout (2025)


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Name: Terrell Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.