Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)

CO.MlKltCIAI. MEDICINE. awnS-CiTf IfKPASTMENT. KeTnoTt.1- I inn and CVmfnwri t.i aftar. apl KAIL OKI.T KOUTK WITH TUlikS DAILY TRAIN? Itlifiia uiii Fire lusuraiice GdiupaB; i of Leadoii.

Anthoriird atTPZaUtitcas IN FtnLar-rT-PiriA: AtwonJ A t'-o Jwbn t'arnuci. Tub sat as a. 'eetrduy was eertsinly a I very dlssgreeab'e day; chilly, wet, rainy, cloudy and smoky. Oar vocalulary of negative juli- fails ue and we leave tbe subject. Bine writing the above, file it of record, that tbe day closed with a heavy anow-Btorm, tbe enow hy oa the rt8 to the deptfe of two or three inrbes.

Turn Boa so or Lick -era Tbe Bord of Licensers wiU meet to-dny te Apportion the uura-br of hotels and etir(" -houses, they deem eat for the different disrriots of the Forvard- the IN man hers A. UA iUK. Pitttbnrgli, Madison 4 diantoli U. HOUTK. THE MMJISOX ANl IXDIANAIOLIS A I Ia It A I I NOW prepared t.rarJ irgbt from Htn enttre GALKJi A 7k Gfll'CAOO UNION it A I I TUB 11! A'lil, FULT.i.

A'D IUA i.lt 18 NOW OPKN TO FULTON. OPK'SITE hvous. Irwa. Tbte is tbeaalr airHne mT from the Miss'isaippl Kinw. nrtv.

Mt r.te "hoiter LL.n ij et-ht'V line Westward trail. -on thi- 1-, Wvlls it Depot, UMfar-v SO a- tn suit -a p. H. JMf amte In Puiton at ItttitfF M. PaeiLgtrs a'l pt lnis In g( tt.

t-nlar and K'huMtn c' aril hrowix to Iewa C'tlVt 1 ouurtl Itlutfa lisnm g- Ns-brHakatt Wilt t.Dtl 1 1 Uina A Vaii 6r- ii. i iiichsco tirk. vs Vet thie Msrrhauts rtl rib rs thipfltug eight. wiU lid this the MOST KKLIA't. ai KAPKUlTlOl' KOUi li point on he Mississippi tiver aud th-Heat Beloitand Maaiou Branch-Two TraiiM tlrrtly for and US lilWIN.

I from hlrnsro-t arrive ft 11.00 B. hours time aud Madl satne I eveniue. at I Pram hlroga. arrtv In Sabesvilla i.2i) Mint and MadiSDhsxt uans 9 ing. fAHK A Ltv AS A IVY OTHP.R ROTJl Fox Kirer Valley Brjiiiolia This roa diverges from thr- riain liBwtt "ei a anl Chicago Union Uailroad at tlglo.

mmii worth tAropgh V'-NKNY (Vuuty, to Us.NKVA, Wis, th-wreby jtage eonueciioDs to a'l pdots in on thrs Htdts Street Chicago, at A and a -AO r.m Galena and Chicago Union Hailroaa. Mainline, lor PKKKPDKT, ALUS A and Wells Street lepot, tncrth si .) Cbg go, as 1 fTH UUU I'APSKNOaU, srwvesln' II'VU As iTIs airivss in Free- dvZv I ill! perns cTeuiiag, DubujuanelK THHOClill TK'KKrs can be prcrtiTed at all prlnal- pat itailtoovd mces rit, sua at the ur-mpau a VteU etteat Depot, Chicago. JOUN TU Ii Prest, A UALU ur 1I U.KlNa Qen.rtl 1 hst Agent. i reiiuiyiTataa lllfc i-eat CeiiLiaii Koutu com toot the 1 Atlantic titi-vs with Northweel-tii), nd r-iuthwB-t-rn States, by aoonticuou Ks.lwav dircwsU This rfaii also onrtDvicts at llttsbtrgb with dai line ol BUamTB Lo all p-jrts on the estem Hlvets, an' i Cleveland and Kaoilusgy with Steau-rs tj aUpors on the lWi3rtbwettern LaKea; n-aslog he uost tUr-nl, chiafft rriuthie Ma'f by wbl-b KKUullT exu be h.rwaU to and from the wui H'ti. HATKS HE 7 HA'CiV EH if.

A Hal. I HI A HI.R'lit; PI K' ULAN. Boot. Who-. Irrj iioci, Ilats.no boxes 1 sura.

Smi nM i irtV.f-U BJSCoNb fcooss and otal ourri.i Dry bales! Hardwa s. Lea Tee. ther, Drogp and Medicines, tol, e.J minu ui, a auvus, i-aging, uaron i and Pork (ia Pt-ei, ois tte. nt Leather. (a bntidlas) Drrre A' 1 lU0ib rUH rflCLAt CVfv Fish.

Ua aud P'-rii (pack Lara and Laid Mil, ter KXNba Hemp. Iron So'las sh. kt) FLOUH ls bbl until further not lot. GR AtN Orcs. imt IHi lbs until further tootle-.

CuTTOW fl per hale cotaxoiediug tX) lfr welgut, ua til further notioe Jw.ln fhippiDg goodi from any point fiasttf Phils laet-phia, be particular to pafgacs "wia Pennsylvania All (ioods ronsignsJ to the Agents of this Koad at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without detention. r'sxiOBT Aosnts. Mfe Potter, Hoetonr J. L. Klilatt.

tt YorS, JC. J. 8nader.Phiit,de;pb.a; Mag raw a Kmc, Haiti, morn; Oeo. O. Prat, cus, Pittsburgh; Mirigniai.

a Brown io-innatl, Ohio; 3 8. MoorheaJ. Louisville, 0 IHliiruin. Madison, Ind Katulirf A St. Loom.

8 kit Li. A hansvilie, Indiana. W-H JkviM jfsai, rhiladmimk lIMBABKT, AU tna. taa ly i TE HUH.1H1IKD DAll.V ANU WEKULV D. S.

WHIT JJ. or fits on Firra sracT, auovc KwIitupjei.b i-krrr. TERMS: BtHii-8ii dolls rs per auuuni, payeiiii ye. In advance. Wbth Two doilarsper annum, in ad.ar.

Cii will Im supplied on th fvliowing eouiiLiois: Kirs roi i-s per 3 1 04 Td cc pitta do Mi Twenty oops-. Jo 'ij paynient are etrirtl 1 auti paper is stopped whnn the y-ar out, uoi i-ed. RATES Or AI'VFRTISINU; si.uare, (l'l lines of Nontwrei or iri--rt Inn A Do "raoa additional ijisertiGn. 0 ii tW) tne I Tt two 3 i 1-0 three Wf-ks trie- I-o one moatti 6 lx two moii tl te. 1 uO Do three moo ths.

''w. Do ftjor moUv a0 lo six months il Do twelve months, standing Cards, (0 Hues or less pur anaun) JiiKar lor each additional Hue, One sousre, changeable at pi-ianaf, ('nrvf an- tjuki. Xflusivo o. pstr ii gor earh iti'ni tns-rteiTer one nisntb, lor each ad-iifitiaj sguare under tbe yearn aUs bait pri'be. Advertise netit* exoseding Bi-jOrs, and not ovar irtea i tines, ae Uarated as a auu a batt.

PuliJifUers EOt acnounUbl for tetral advertisem*nt heiiartfed the aaias as otner aavt rtisr-cients. Aiivsartisxroi ots not marked on ths. number or rrious. will i-r aontir.oe-J tilf fiirbid and par ment exaot i aorordttagi. The priv11ere rf antius' i.avr-rtia.rr ts strioity ta tbtfirovrn in-ne-, ousiBeas, aud ail eirt-r' sst-nieoi tbe bonent 01 otb- rsons, as well as all adi ert.i-iuenb not immediacy Mt-d with th-Afc- own busin.w, an all cla.rvs or auvertisemects, iu Uutcih 0 otlierwiae, Ka.

r1 lt nga.d, wiil cha- -1 at th. u-uai rates, Por aU such traosivnt advertising, hills will srarate. rendered, and prompt payment is dstred. AU advertisetiHiits fi.r ctiarlUbl tnstitutptt, hra eons, paines, wat-d, township, and oth-r pobll- Hp al r-v'taticaJ meetlnKS ana ncuces. to be tCario hs1 i -abl-strictly, in a-ivanos Marriage ntice u.

be charrd SO osnta. Death notioras issserted aiti.oul oharge, untwss nimi by funeral invitations or obituary tudavs. atid vImb soarconipauied.tobepaidlc.r mm Hguiar aud ail others mndhia w.intuoiskav-t Mia, (VMiuuiui Dotioss to catriniiOB Tt. fairs, fceireea, IVncerts, ir pH-ite wnrUimtVeuts, whew charges are made lor slmirtarw-aa notii 0 Sit vat as ions- very notine deaigosd to rail attvwitic-, to private enterprises, caloilatr-d or InteBd-d to t-rcoiou. iuJividaal interest, an oniy be fnavrted with th uiKbi' standing that the seres is he paid tor.

Tf InuadJSjto he inTted in the loal eolunii. the sama will be aharged at therateot 10 ostit* per Hue. i(if hop or noticea to he charged t-rtpis prloa. i'avaro Uorns- Pevitwns 'i mutit Ueal Pslate Agents and AurtWasvff'tdTvWliumisttig to be c.iaMt-g under yearly rates, but allowed a disviotUBt a hijty three and one-third pet cent from the. aciorut fc ax kit ca Vku-wasitt in PAXLt rsj-rxn.

Ont hyuare, three inseruons Do. etvh ad'htionai Insertion iv AJVVaETIHEwlENVU IW WXSSIV rAPKH. Uns 9gnare.tlc iusentnu. .....) treat Do. evh add.

tir. rial insertion it eer.u AM to be paid In sdraaoa GHERRY PECTORAL rX OCKfi A COI.O, W1T1I UKAJUCIiE Jr-ral nn bed. ami wrap up Warm." iwLH a AND (WVUB, tai. It laraj.sr. nooa tf ereulnK.

a-orJWI lo OB the an.l lbe air neultr will anon b. remorad. Wt-na will long runar Trom thl tro.We abeo ther Vrid It eat tn eo redUT rured affllctej wii a r.ald ooutb. wbieb break, thera 11 tbelr ret al al.ht, will llud by XartD Ihe CherrT fee. tora! im going to bed.

they Ear he ura of errand, anbro-Ken and oor.awiu.iit relrretai.K reat. Ureat relief from and altiiuat. ciire, ie oflered to tht.oaaDd who are tbue aroicte.1, by tl.m inraluabi. remedj, eroui ita acrwaol. aflectn in thea.

eava. mur Bad themeel.ea uowllllDg to lor-so its use when tba uiuiiiIIt fir it ha. ot.aeel. TOS1NUKKS AND P0BU0 )IKARI1U this awMdr by lua the thri.t aad lunae. when tattenin.mallauantltlea.it r.miiTW all tu.reenewi ina few h.iur.

aud wouderf.1 iacre.aa. th. puwar and Sex Ibllttr ol the eotoe J.t n-rallr muoh rellered. and often whntt, obeiinata a to yield entirely to do niedtouu. Cherry KKUCI1I or irrltatlou ol the threat and uiwer nor-tion of the lunu.

may be cured takl tor-al in amall and daoe. Th. iuooolUoXolfr pree.ionieeoonieie.ed. uauioriaMi to he follow biHSI-" I'-ar. 1 Lh'rt" ta.ai I everr case with a carrlul reard to tbe TiTltrf Utne, it wiil seldom laii to subdue sd past all cure, Tb-re are many thouwuids sc-attered sJl ii- 00 itei and ray mat tney wiistif IIvhs and pi-eaent to the Cherry Fentoral.

sy yean or trial, ot im o-wnin. the p-nbiia sontKleuoe in this has won it appreciatira)! iid notoriety by lar eaceimg th ttost sanguiiaa epo tatiotiaf tt tria-n la. NothlnK bur Its inUinsie viituaa and the uttmistAfta' ie heaeat sonferred on thusaoda of BtilT.T--rs, rouM rWl-nate and foaintai-r therp jiatkn It enjoys. While ttt-Mir reixit-tties thrust upon Jthw nooimunity, have tailed and i-savn dl-cardeiL this gatne.1 friends by very trial, oonfirtd U-oeflUon tha amicted thej cau pever forget, and produoea eurea too atrercus sud Ww v-msr-aitie to tje rgfjtten. VV bi it 1 a fraud ou be public to pretend that anv mta Uasdiclne will "Jrr etill ther Is abwadant.

tne Cherry doer, not oniv aa tM.Zt thin-r, but almost iuvariabty cure tba m.lm tor It is employed As time makes the Uvrts wider and hettw known. thU me icine has graduate Ihmojh th- best reiiajTX, from tbe log oab.n ol the Am.f,, w.l'f the palaces of Kuroi -an bmgs. 1 "att PltiEi'AKKa AND 8CH.D BS 0. AY fin, PrwcUnnaJy0lauv AwTBoidat WbolMat. by fi.

TAP At retail bv averv Liritsri.f i. w-teTOUst everywhere. city and all DUra lw7Hiadwj lUK WKST Ws rJj to inte iD to1' auu lerritfip in. ns -Jwil uMl at. raaidanea anj 1 "lu a ail nJ tCir 1 "tt thi-i-Utfta bMUd wniih now wc.alA ii t.ir ear liura fe a.

in aj. aa "'Ut In 12 nir.i,, u.STZ reiajru of tbe invest our cut mets who io-v 7, m. H' tutareat ioa.i.1 "a w.ta tbatr iV mb.i. a.ttA H-ai fau't- 1 WLJNUlilriS FOR AT WICriiilt SHAM S-lue leading i. ar naiiuK-n.

d-ayatre -Tj ADl- Thronr'psnven Py to 1 IMA All'UlO, i nnnn a PfcKU, and tner points the Was, apis eor. ont an F-itf si ine mseaii JLtli r.ia iu doe atapt-d to what tb pa loot require can bei-r. lt alwars allbrrfs n-H-i. man OH PITTSBURGH TO C1NC'1A11. OSLT KOIT WITH TH KtK THA1XS fSOU Pittsburgh to Dayton Indianapolu.

OHIO AND PENNSYLVANIA LITTLE MIAMI All, KOADS via trewUne A Columbas. U.A1,11M1 at i.l, I' Mail Line Co. ioUHiaod Lesingruo Kali- lfl'o nauruaa, and the Lawrence- Opnnectikg via Uoltunbus and iLania with the Dayton and Indiana lL-Ur--ats. Tbroutfh lie -eis, via cntuiatiua and Omciurari. Li-IngtOB.

Louisrville, 6:. ixuis. via OoTumbus and Xenis, to laj ton, ludianapohn, Lalay-atte, T-rre Haute, cit luis, an. Mv, The tittle Miami via Columbus, conne-ilng with the Oovingion and tegiugt Ha.lroa.1. U.

Mail Line ttea-'e', Ohio and Mierssippi Kaitroad. and Lawrenr-ww burath Route, oftern faclMtles other rout-can gtva, as thmuir tl-ktt by al) tbe ab rve routes -an only be pro-cutm1 via Columbus aod the I.atle MiaTil Kailroad. Tbe route from Or-eiiina via Columbus nm theaho't- est to enwbit-a a wujrm am wnspeva. nectlons are certaio. and P.erJ(iers have t-u time lor meals, By tbe et -nd Bal eU-ataiieroute tromCreft-litie.

a oViBcrot and twaWflt tjttd vro-ami. and ana-pelltd to overeotoethe distance. By th- route Tia 0 lu fo infiDnati an-! Imlianap oils. Pas en gei? rids over roads ttailastcl anl sci-j tn By the fi rsst BelbfoDtsjne route, -wit ovr the rought'T nals iu uhiii. rvirv Daily trains, nut ununaus a-wi 1st 'iiuui leaves Pittsf.urgh by o'clock, a.

C.Pwtiiri. C-oiumbua, Xnia, Ctuciaii-ti, IxmiSMiic, Louis, LHxingtxu and a Uwrenes-borgh Kouts. This tram arnv-s at Ciuc una' i I'ur and forty minutes in advai.ee of the fore, ana Route. 2n Traiit Lteaves Pittsburgh at 8 o'd-ck, M. for CrwstUna.

Columbus, Xenia and Cinni. Tl.is lraw makes connection ouly via Oclumbus to Cincinnati. iip 1 hais Iseaves at 3o'clorS, p. a rest-Hne. Coium)U, Xenia, Ciiicinuati, Lou sfi.ie, bt.

Louis, si ii 8 ton and Indlsnapo.is, via LawrenceburKh Jtoutc. 7Vxi iMdy IVaifu. via Volumbutt ihtyU-i ar ti Jttdtah wt er Tbai! taves Pittsburgh at o'clock a for Crept line, Columbus, Xeuia, DsyioB.lndlaiiapoliH, Ijafav-ette, Terrs liaute, Vincennea, Louis, Cairo, hvansvtlle. 2d Tbai leaves Pittsburgh at 8 o'clock a. M.

to- Cre.t line, Columbus, Xeuia, Daytou, Indlanap, lis, la1ayetU, Terra Haute, Vincenues, ct. Louis. Cairo, ktansvilla, aD TaAlHLeaves fit-Uburgh at 3 o'clock P. Ibr crest line; Columbus, Xenia, Uajton, Indiarapolis, Latajette, Terre Haute, Vinrnues, Kt. Louts, Cairo, ivauvilie.

Ac. N. B. Hecure your tickets via Columbus, aud jou are aue of tXrUDcctins Hi faoif rs leave Cincinna'i daily fcr Memphis, Vicfce burkti, N'aurws, New Uri-aua. Ac.

Ac, 1 be b-ing the airect route, the TimeTabiesol die Kasteru P.sdM are arraugei toruu iu close with tr is vli-iOie r-)ute. F'TaJI intoriTiati'-n aud Thrr.ush Tickets, piuaae app'r at tbe sud Kailr. ad ClUou, icoruer- 6ce,) under the Ilous. ii. CURRY, Ti-Utft Aaieut.

Or at Federal street Stuti n. OKO FAHK1N, Ticket Agent, p. QEO. O. aVJtrwfjVy, Oene.

ai Ageni. Cinrinbati. Alien I'itteburgh. d.u nolO-d i jr Fittsbiirgh and CormeisviUe HAIL li A I IMIE STEAMER EOLIAN will leave her barf, above the Unnauarahfta Kridge, daily, (Hun-dayseaoepted) at t. H.

fwr W't-st SfWU.n, connactiiig there with the train wtftch leaves lor Connelsvilte, and ail way stat.ous at u. KK'l CKNIMJ The train leaves a A connecting at West Newton, with tbe steamer Italian, which haaveior Pittsbtiriih af 7.3-J a. Passug-rg aod freinht carrisl each way daily. For twther information apply to the officerH ou board the fleam boat Koiian, or tu the agents at West Newton and OmaeUsvUla. U.

W. CAI.IWKLL, apl'i Assistant Superintendent. Pennsylvania Railroad. imm 'IilrtJisE l'aily Trains Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. THK JHuj Del ween MOKMM.

MAIL TSA1N leaves Pittsburgh far 'hlta-telphia at 7 A. and Philadelphia for Pittsburgh at 7 H. A.M. THK OUT APKbAtVi it A I A leaves rittsnurirh tor ruuaucipuia at ') P. M4 and Philadelphia for PittsbtUKfa at II, V.

M. Blairsville Arcommodatu '1 aiu leaves 1'ittsonrKh dally, eacept bunday, at ook, P. M. Briritnu's Ac-eomo-laUon Train 1-aves Pitt orgb dally at 11 o'clock A. o'clock P.

M.adb.li r. M. The above lines connrt at Pittsburgh with th Rail roads enandfrtrm Ut. Louis, Alum, (rab-aa and Chi--a- UL; Frankfort, Lesloirton and louisviiln, Kyu Terr laute, Madison, Lafayette and Indianapolis, Davtoa.r'prinatueld, Bellr-ftiutaine. Sandu-fy, Cleveland, Columbus, aueeviile, Masetilon and Ohio; also, with th- i'Umd Packet Boats from and to Nuvs OsulsaIvB, Ur.

Louis, LomsviiLK aodOimtnsjiATi. Through Tickets nan be bad to or from either of ths above places. Pc lurther particulars, sea fland-bllls at tbe difftreut star ting points. Passengers from the Vesx will find this the shortest and most expeditions route to Pniiade.phis Baltimore, New York, or Boston. M'XHtK AttKNT, tassenaY Lines, I hilade'phim.

J. EUstenotr IaW. Jpittstoura'i. jyftlrd CLE VKL AMD AND PITTbiiUKUH 11AIL. KOAI wfiO t.NMt.;TLNi ITU 0FII0 A PENNSiLVAMA RAU.ROAU, rU ALLJAM'E.

fiHK ehortest and qniokost rout; to Chica- go an-t Bt Louis, is VIA CXKVKLAN U. This route is Une Hundred miles short s-r and about nine hours quicker than the circuitous one via Indian apolis. Three Daily Trains between Pittsburgh to Cleveland. Pour laily Trains ltween CUveiaud aud Cbtcagu. Time to Cleveland, 0 hours; Chicago, aA bourn; and St.

faAuis, 37 hours. and after Tueeuay. January 1466, tKe trains on this road will run as follows: VIA ALLIANCE, Ths Trains of the Ohio aud Penna. Railroad lesvicg Pittsburgh at 14.au a. m.

and S.iKla. Lave Alliance at 74. a. a. and 11.

h. and tj li. Arrive in Cleveland at lu.Oti a 2,06 and W.lU tt, eouucctinR there with Cleveland aud Toledo Kailroad fur Toledo, ChicAato. Rock Island and rt Louis. Psaest-uKer fnr Tol-do, Chicago, 8t Louis and the North Wen, Ir-aring Pittsburgh -u the H.oo a tiain, by ati.tiig via Cleveland, win arrive in Chicago MU next morniug.

Pasaengersfor Tlefto -t. Louis, Kock lsnvud. Catena and the North-viit who wish to go.throuch with out dctawitaon. wfli take the Traiu leading Piitsburaih at S.Ot a. as tnjs is the ouiy train by whi.

close connections are utadn throng to the above points. The trains b-aving Pittscnrgh at A. v. and wlls rille at u.u0 a. m.

are the only ones hy which paesengf-r can reach Htatkws uth or Alliance ir ttntions on the Tuscarawas extentriou. AV-TirkeU fcr Cleveland, Chicarc and the North-wes Via ellevilie, are sold at lss than via AJJiauce. The trains fur connect at ttudscu with trains for Cuyahoga fails and Akion. The trains from Cleveland to Toledo and Chicago ran as olio wa- Leave Cleveland at a. 0 aoi tt.bu p.

tt. Arrive at Chicago at -ly r. H.lu a. h. and AM a.

m. Trains Chicawo fbr Rock Island and Loui-. as follows. Im Bock liuand at y.OO a. u.

and 11.00 r. Por rt. Lunis at i .16 a. m. and itJMi p.

M. Paasners for M. Louis go ore Hook Istsnd Kallrrad to Joiiet, aod thence over the Chicago, Alton aod 8t Louis Ka-iroad to Mt. Louis. Pia-sentrers bv the 16 a.

train arrive at Ht Louis at 11 same evsiaing, and by r. st. train at noon next Baggage checked thrtiuain to Cleveland aod Chicago, SAU VIA AUJAACI AkD OXSVtaLANU. 1st Cum. ihtUau.

1st ciui. -Adftfui. TO Aiiiauc.4iii,. (To Ia Jtei las po Clsveiand.4,UiJ Tolede Rock Lsiandlh.ou 14 UO Oatana. IS ,10 npriugtjeid.l7u 14 1H w) Chicago.u.l:t,uti Bioora lu.Oil 14.40 la u0 Ht.ixuis...)a,tH) lit ..0 rHria.

14 00 Faeseutzs'i-a arereouentsKl Lo cn-rcure their i at rh. Office of Uie Ckiiupauy, id Moiiougahsta liouse, below aorner. j. uuivA u. leeland.

laM J. A. CAL'-VUltV. 1855. AXK LtSE R0UTK.

1855 rao Formerly the and MiHa.6tf.ppi. mii from tMcoffoto SLLmtumlv Mun, a teave the illinoia Central Depui. foot of Water street Louis pay hxpress, dally, Sundays excei ted, 7 J6 a. a rJt. Louis lvxprs; baturdays p.

a Ht. Ismis Prvight Kmigraot. bandars a. a Baggage Choked throueh to Pt, Louis Trains run direct through miles) chaprt Of cars or bag age and onnneut with thn Corn pan splendid Kteamers Wiuchester and Hludeer. running a exclusive oonoecticn with Passeiager traitis trom Alton to Ht.

Louis, (U3 miles! witnout landing. Tfa-ee speed, convenience and elegance are unur.asad on the Western watxrs being fit4-d np with Baths and parlous a-brooms afTcding Wi p.aseugersthsopporiaoitf ol re-noving fchs tluit uusroidacie in fcummcr k. K. travel. and reach iug Louis rnttt-shed froai.

theahaoU ol a h.i.u ride. To Kaneas and Nebraska this the most dlrctroute, ai.d passenger destined for iiiiuuUjD, Sprfr.jaheld, Mapies and a.l poiuts a the Uissiseippi, Mtsourt, Kansas, Cumhrrtand and leuncsaee lters til note tbs important saving in distance, being Tit ixiles less to lilorm Ington, and Mi miles less to thar by any oth rout. Through Tlckrts ovr this routs osn ha p-ured at various H. K. Ticks rfllrtsa iri York, Bisfcn, Phtia deiphla.

Baitlmorv, Al'swny, Kultak, Ac, an a.t thro. Ticket ofllosa throughout the rtt-t-e, aud in I'bicago at the Company's othre. No. 48 Dearborn onpesits ths Tremont House, and at ths Nepot of ths liiiat ls Oeutral Kailroad, root of ater st. Baggage men will always be the Uepct of tbe vsrious rca.is going into Chicago to Cheek Uagga.

through to auy poiBtdesirad on ths tias. H. P. M0HAS.Jr,!rt I H.J SCHKRVlEHaORN.iJs'. A-r I ar--)m AUegneny Valley Kailroatt, UE UV and after MONDAY, March 3d, 18 30, No.

I. i ii -hub win i.atn i it'ourin asioiiows: Kxnress a. afm.li. i Mt.anh.. too, Tart-ntum, Chart.vr, Kiskn.inetae and mieeviu, armTiug fais'anomg at i 1 o'ciorx, i.

2, Accommodstb 4 p. stopping at stations, ax riving at KittanotiiiK at 7 w. m. Keturutng. 1- av Hittanning as follews; No.

1. Aorm-modaiin, 7 a su.ppiug at al. stattons, arriog at Pittaburgh at 10 at. No. sopplng at Rosston, gJUkimlu-tls, Frerport, Cuartiers, Tar-ntum.

Iluiton arw! afuarr-e burgh, arrlvinu at 1'ittebnrgh at 7 40 p. w. iStagee will run r- hlttar-cmg in oonnectioa with the Trains, Ibr the loUowing places: rA.aa. HS Bra) ruuksburt? Clarlon iBradv'a Band Ii 5o Pauuxa swoey 3 2a.iMabonIrjg 1 76Kellersburc. 2 3 Zi ZZ.

a 2 so Bethlehem 11 ,6 Meehaniesbnrg. 8 3 0olfbaonrndale 8 2 '1 Ui.iHr..,h.ll.. a. s. in icwi-sex Ksd Bank Keimersurg Keedsburg PasseferP by takinaithe 3u Pitt bursh, arrive at all the atwe plavs tbe same day.

avtij''tB to ail the above plares ran pr toured at Umnibusses will leave the corner of Mark-it and rtlth and Peuu and Wayne sta, at 7, a. M.andd P. in oou ection with the Trails. fr A. J.

UOPPKK. 8uirintendetit- ichiran SoutHern Hortieru indiani HA 1 I ItllA I i IfKOM TOLEDO TO ClnOAtt'O. ao. Michigan ana with the Chicane, and lloek F0UK DAILY PAASENQJER TRAINS. laMrfSJfftTPs Tn A.

Trail, taan. Toledo at arrivlnx tn Chicago at Oft p. "area. Train laata, Toleaoat IM IMS arnrina InOhieaRo at 11.00 Trala aaa. Totado af.it P.

ar-rlre, InUhleagu at 16 A. One Train oa nundaia leave. Tolado at Slk and arrira, at Ohicairo at A. M. roar Dairy Traina oa the 01.

alas. an. ToMdo Railroad, oonnectina with ths tMMnircrRbr taKing the Ohio and Peuoa Kailroad to MauBtield, and the nandneaj and Hanneid Kalircad to MonjoeTlUa, will there oonneei alth the Cleveland and Tie ledo Kailroad. Or by taking the Cleveland and Httalmrirn Kaitrrad at Allian'v. will lues ermnect at C.leye.and ailti theClerelaad and Toledo liailnad.

ma.m. th titn f.i Pittaharffti to i. I. liauroadui aiur-e Tlimimh Ticieta oan oe anerured at Ul, oflee. of ifc.

0iTuuMland Plttarh and anrl aodav th. Ilawawl. or Ohio and Indiana Hailroad. ri'niiNh leave Orestline daiiv naavs .1 tba arrival of the Wht train rrom Pltlaburrh. and nj warorth.

Mad Kitarff.iT iirtoi, at i '10 Hirer Kail oatiat-Lana ndIndIanapolfsat p. ThiaU tr.i onlr line or-nn Thui la tie onlr Una orojneotlB dtracttj at Oraatlle. ith h. e.isht train rram Plttebnrh "raataxa rith the cisbt train frem Plttsbonrh for througn W'T "I the above points. AjWhenr.

3. K. Iri i acMT .1 tSi 'BVBMtiiJ sS A Klil Tit 4Tl'lN, Salt HARL'll. 1--U1HH 1iitKST SMtTKL DT'-WOaTS. Lfduu J.

11. G) W. CajBS. PlTTBt'KGH A PrTTSRPB-lB OAtKTTE Tueeilar Mrrtiuil, Afrll 2.1 i Weathryr ootd, wt etnd Ursp.aaan, and ut d.r traua- etioni wra not plft Vwry llttln producs t-rT-rmiff no tbn wharf, FL4)Uvt th 'onl- ii1b from Qfnt wab21 bhlfl nupn-fln from rrrv, 40 bbli uprraod ritta and 4) do at i0Q 3o do rxtra at and 2i ftodj' tibln extra fauiUr at UB. A IN Oat a acrc and want faln on th? whrf -f 400 baa ar Corn and 950 do Shlied at 30; from stoM, 0 bun Kr at 33.

GROaKRIKB unehmp.d; aaV-aof ft and A) ah ptlm SaKr at nd 20 and i bolt Molawwa, oak, at 45, -ih. BAUON itdy vud unhanfrd; atiea in lot of 14aX)0 BdouMvw nd Kami at TH "3 10, oath; atOU Hahudv.Tt aod Sldea 1 9, tixtr 100 pea wi-UrB 55bcml(itrB at eah. BULK MKAT a ot aW.OtX) ti ho; roaod. at 7, and b'. LKD awil- of 10 kit cnantry No.

1 at USi.ca'h. OILls ot 9 bblt liDtei ftt Ho, ud 10 dt. bard il No at68tMih. MUTTER A CtfiiiS-Btittar dull but t.nchanl. ftal8 ot 4 du prim roil 21 an I 4 hbU do at U0; EK, 8 and 1-i bbln at 10, 2 do at US nd 8 do at fl.

1 at $it6a anJ ac extra at DR1KU rRUlT aalof 100 bu Dried tVa-h1 at $1,1 5 WI11SKKV naif- th low of 00 bbi rwctifUl as UiiatS 11AV ftnal ftalfft at itcalanat $UU ton, MONETAdV AND COMMERCIAL. Tn FoMiiiti Dry khIs Tra If ahows a material dueltDi in th itapo-tatiftirt, ut usual at ihi- pm'B, aUhounh tht rtj target than for thu ifrrepuuJiug wjk oi Lat rvar. Lant priu1 th imp-ittatiourJ wm Itklbu tn etw.au quvitc3 ol triuKttucr tt tbA maraet at that Uiue. and bwinat rvmaining Irum i bt fpriuic tud UH buBintw" Ihst yar t4. It in our doty to remind alal Irirjuiin tliat th Imonrt uf tht currput jar, i.t-cial!y in Wootrna and Bitlw, ar lar trrrattT than tbe truo iuteTatri oi tbt Oimntrr doiaaad.

Utraattanc i- tn- much th order of thu Uay, and we are larjfd a Jbt on thta evorw. An iriftati from tnvvBtmntf in rai'nad Iron. iu rt-uHb mUhi. mm It advau ari.uly orttatad aud would ttutuady b-taBr'Hs-abit. a thsj jpujtit of thr cyuioitirciai and arM uitural rww.arcMi oi th Or.at Wiet.

c.Lizfiii are id Ii rt the nt cufltomen tur titKMle. Hut tbrt iuiiuvtua yuantitma i dry KHJt) fjonsunivjil ar a tlead wniubt upou tba cuu trf at Urn, aud twhouruy d.murb ih- fn-ui yar to ar. Of rht Wt-ai in tb Uriiitb t.U)UUft, tba luu luercial advtcei rneeiTl from the Cat of Ucrfi.l B'C" furcieh lutervsiius particnlarg ot tha pnirst uf that colony. 1 1 prev iouft It-ttwr it a pttat-xd that lh ti iii rf t-f W.Kil ttr ibt y-r iSob waa exy-Tt to read lu. That quantitj tias ju -ntietl uom tlit Atoa Hay ai.

nc, h'jwnr. --ariy tn wbola oi ia wool protluoird iu tu ooUmy la sFikpcd. Tbo ir'M ott th ptr-'itMia ar wem uariy -jui Ui thxi quantity hi Pd from tba. port in Ihci. Th- total vain- wa upwaru 'f ao 1 thr uUAUUil iTrCaw IftaO UiaitttalUO tul twl rn artrtwl, tli' exHauaitt waa thl tb vtiuw tur the -ut will not fail hort '1 wenty yrm aao y-r- tiaeniBHl a a colouial XLMrt lia the Uotiaa rwtarna.

Wioa waa then th pnnr'i ls trtWa. ut It is uow tf uiinar toil rtai oe. I here in utiu. Lr a of it witbiu tba 3luny, auj tb oiaau-lat-'turet brandy of tf rmpectabie uuafitj iih atead ily luorawd Notwltb'uiuiir llw louudle- cxuntol uriii4f laud la ctoutu A-rica, ttiecoiouy. it iaotaird, witl bwahte to est" laTat qaautitie of bid, f.t.

paa nra, hMiuat u. im ur antl acaut), auj Uim Pi'arcity wair proTerkial. But to th (t.uduot.oai of Wftrl teesr Wuu ar.rk.ar. ia tkt tlirMMt DO liulL i Iter aiW tlH a-T)HiftlOalL tut tiuniry lrn of Ute lattaLtTMl Capw vbeep wbtf baT in Mtooi; out th- uffTwtsnLy and ttualoa paature iaada. c-msitv-rd by mauy to bu td superi or u.ua ily, am at lenrntoa BJinoet aoiutvtr Of th Fi iiuatK'k, uaatxia, wild beast, and other wild auiv oiaia.

i tvour. a a.ov Tbe lry Good" Iiapurt for the week tl.tiSO.ftT. aaiaio-it Lbi oorrespouaiioti wa oi last ear. M. i imis.

We make no alteration frrm jeeturdaj la our monty re. pnrt. LVmanJ loaue are atl" at 7 out amcDU PUirk people, but he uterchaute aud the lomTMtie exonauttw brfk-vr r( a liberal ftUppLf of meaui at tbin rate, iu Ba'ik oOrtnif in tb reiuar way, are barely equal to tbe lucome in April. Times. The etfei-t of tbe ria news yesterday la not yet seen up onr market.

Altnouttb tbrre are autJaut gnuu tor hpe iu the future, wt are nut orry that tbe uuprT-rnut jotUiWiuai tiMt rtrtorati of pesre la kui jod, ii a aiuw ooe. It witl be more eure aod tbe mi re p-ruaaieDt. Al preevtit, Lbe ruo-ey cbanueu are n' ai tiavi h-av the renewed demtnl jr the avcmmoaatlon ot uvr import lbe aptlve rtiiijuiry ior baa atimuiaud the rat1, and bill" iiaty or ninety day are i-ss readily u-aoUat-a, cVur A IMPORTS LU KlVfiK. MNONGAUKLA KIVRK BOATS 30 bWs cement, Law too, ate tfjts fiaea, lQineeo; 8 bbl dour, 2 fruit, I do 11 iJLthred, Mids A c. Iti bbls whlnKny, 0 windier.

17 bbi Hoar. Wo bxs tflaM, mZl eks scrapa, 81 roii leather nera, WIIKEUS'j, by Diurnal 36 ska wheat, bbla Cur BrjanA cu, lu bbl truit, 'ajao, Wiiaim A en; 10 Ka Uciil In A Koe; lli pes bacon, 11 11 CoUmm Iti.1, hii pa-in, il Mellor; ska wool, eat; lueek feed, owners. Ivr.lH'IP.by bhd'SUsrar, bots wolae eee, biRr, 16 do oil, t-steuap, a hbda 3 1t ao, Koen a ba; dU hzlt, ui, IS eks woi, bnas bacc caet; A) bnin 1 ia aututr: emitf brot, r-ait-s luu-r-s, fcore th cn "-tt: 3 3 dn.C bmch; 1H liicbarJsoD; trbU lard. 1 A 'JO tins n. Nhaiek 4 bbie (, JAW tifa.

twataera. a bu rurt. bate do. Bawaiy a co; 7 nka hau. baiea ootum, ovoafi; tone metal, Ntmi'-s Add.

N'AlH 11. LE, by Kehano34 bhls wbikey. Juo M-DeTttn do. 4 MrLauKh in; 145 b.ea citron, 1'atk 4 few hhM tl jttr. ea1; 4JA ski nute.

Dickey A tone metal, bt bbie whiskey, 40 do chaiooat, sundry conaiarnemi. 2ANK-VILLIS, br lreM bbte floor. 32 eke ha ooo, 14 bbls eptge, it do pura, 'ii Lard, 2a ks jo, JAW Bra. CINCINNATI, by AileKhenj lOObaleeootton, 500 hi candles. lik cgj) baoos, 13 bbis ol, eaet; ri bolt flour.

Waliare A iJardjoer, bbl oli. Iecb, Me Aipia aH do whiekey, .1 bbm floor, 10 cks Qaiu. A-Uunrraka. 6 Jo. J6 Ola aoavp, 12 bu.ecti.

Sel'arw A ON 43 rl a-, JAW Ka lii ex hat, M' liuimee A fib wntekey HC hA-i eoap, lu do ean-daa, boi Sour, suudry ooQiUicner, 10 hbdeenga, aO bbls saolaaava, i eks baron, lrter. riifl1-5jhr tyaW ba handles, 1137 tcs mm-, c-iirm ustap r-a, t-a i.ir, bs wt it, hWe U'baet traie cot tun, Fornyth A 16 Kennedy A lit bis soap. Little A eo; 77 oaUe brraom sum, ti Hat ham, i bhta be Her A cj; 4 do, litli Keyaar; la bbls Soar, A Hunter 600 uHy eo; 7 nbia suuar. Ut ll; Ti bbla moiae- eee, Atweh, Im A 2 hide enar. 3 Mrle1tt: 170 tcs Jiamn, toouuwwi.ra; wicks meat, Kier, SlitcbcU A oo; flitStoD, 1 Nuowi, leathern, Nuii-k A cr; 5u nrooro Mr ait'iteea, MeansA en; bxs ntarcb.

'Zq bbie whiskey, ti hhde eagar, a do baooo, sundry eoosia, otee, BT by Orb1 twm 4Wio.150 do brtm corn, 148 ks bacou, CsO bit nnt tluur, eaet; treo' a) M'UllisA uie: tosd.i, he'lers A eo; 78 bble lard. A Mor ion, bidiMt, Ueianaie, 74 tvalf bacon, i Jackxn; 73 pkgn ta-d, A Laugbllu, i tauifblin; Al bbls whiekey 11 hbde bacm. a eo: skn wo4iU tfrk-r; 40 bxa soap, Atweli, L-wr A co; 3J 6U rbin fl ur, Uadaev; ou bx toap, lira-ham A Thomas, ii bams. 1 bbi do, 4 ks Ittu. Kloe, Puimc'k A co; 7 pkf -g, vwner; J4 btid euaiar, ko-ajliutt A Kicbardson; do, i6 tcs oa.rs, ta sundry eonoutaees.

I.UtlrvV a.l.H, by Jsk "f.r-HI bales eotton. K.tjtf. perintAK A er: el hbds sugar, MoCuilr cx id dobrtww liilwortb: tfft tTP hamn, McCutcheun A co; to kgn ubaceo, Little ao. Hi bU oU, We'-b, -klpii eo, So do mr; Leecn. do, Waiie A 'taraioer, lU'i do Raue Aoirer: 100 Jo, 50 to etig Mil ec A auung; do wnUkey, to dA 11 rae eaiU.

Bagalv A eo; te hr'ls baoon, 70 ten do, 4hhds totacew, 'iu8 ks nute, balee bro in euro LMPOHT8 BY RalLKOAD. Ohio A Penna 6 bbl prk.2 do beef. Brown a Klrk- trick: a'2l bus rye. t'rslti, il bbls apptea, 11 11 Coilior'. dot cJovereeed, 2 do 'ard, Baale, A oo; 41 Umt metal, Ntmick co; 29 tus rja, Tboma; 4 bbls aettee, Ku-atliFb A orison, 4 psurri eaitnu 1 dotard, Uaisell A co; jA8 hardware 40 ki uata, ii bble pottoe, 77 but do, 6 bare aTereed, 2J bbls greaee.

lu care atock, loi d-'l br-jotn. 1 bbsaettjjr, do alter, SJ do apple, ownars; 10 bxs i are, iviwatdA EXPORTS BY RAiLKOAO. PennerlraoLa 31 if 3 do whlkey, do butter. a-tJd oil. iKJil do tl'jur, oi do lard, cW kits do MM-Meaudl-rS, t4 do g.e, 2iM do baon, 6U bbis do, H.ti tea ebb bbdn dn, luij ak hair, do wooL oo do feathers, 0tJ do wheat, two do rye.

H'aU bales cotton. 70 -rs cattle, arUio hides, lay hhds tobaoao. toa baeJ, rolis. leather. ClevplaodA Pittsborarh It Ba pkg dr goods, Sool pes iron, bdis pes steel, attU kas nailf, 4u rprlugs A 1 bis gas ware, 41 do glass, 4B kga lead, 2bU pko bardwsra, lUii pkgs sundries.

Hieuhenvllte A Indiana 2i2 pk-ts dry goods, 610 poe iron. 31 do, lit Kg aaiis, D-t pkg4 447 pge suadrles. 8TEAVlBf)-T REGISTER. JffsuB. Brwnwvllls; Lut4mado; Col Bay aru.

Ui io, wast Newbin. Ticmn. Wii-TtUe V-nfure, blubeiilie, Uiurnal, Whetliug; Meioott-s Wt, Irf ul; fuiolfb. r'J, do; Bartily, Louise. Ue; James 1'ark, 'i Freigtiter, KaneiTiile; Bel aoc, iaahrtUe; Alie: gb-itif CinclnuaU DtfiPARTKU leff-vrson, Bro-m-frlt Luaerne, da; Col Bayard.

Kiii.tth; I irfre-e, vVetlnTill VQtur, Sieubeu rule, Kolian, West llolmes, S.Luui". Bit aa. On yeaterday erentng there were 13 iwet 6 Inches tn thecbani.el aod faldog. The steady rain which set tn ia the afternoon will htirig another riee. Cider and Vinegar.

expressly for family a aod now soidln re than one half of the Retail tfiasiausof Patubargbaod Al- J- lenDy. whrrell'-kles can be seen, ami in ray Warehouse, that nave been saved tt for Ohio t.rapea, etjual t- Lhebeat Old Cider Vlni-tarthat will JL bear rediicfnir one half and Btitkbt afoaMl retail i oar Vlattar. The attention ol riat tauiiUea, Hotel keeper and the eountry merchants in particular. Is directed this Vine gar. Cider thai will keen iiwett notil next Fall.

Ttaeabt Vloears and Cider warranted so as roprs SwtitAd KliU ABALLOU. 14o Water let at I) C. BAELZ, Phvaician and Sargeon, No. 38 ITand f'treer, Pittcnrgb. BiaPautaHaas: Mce-srs C'lafle Brewwr, Waterman Palmer, W.

W. W'il-sou W. a. Wllliame, ThoiM.f Bell, J. la.

Wetdlo, T. M'Tafao. Holm'. A 11- Kag.ish. tt.rr.

Cba T. Ku-sell, Joe. McCoceetl. laTld Huut, Jona forv-rt trick, John Johu Wright. W.

at.ie, f.Kabtm, lrmby CAR lit AGE KEi'OSITOBY! OSEPU WU1TG now can-Tine on barti-nes in hisspartnu premiaes, (now lately enlarged,) lLwecB Pittebnnth and Lawrence? Ule, nenr the Two Mile Han. Teepeetf till in rites the public to iorrprjet bts stork ot tJAKHlAOKH, It li HUES, An. And he particular ly inlorme Kentlemen fmrcftasri, that one pnoe on made, courteeti years expsat-ieiioe in tba buiineM, enables hitn to place betore bia bntruus the same fJholos eolleetlon of Carriages, wbkh so many rears past it has bn his particular depar'ment to ect from the various aod moot taleuted tawutrn Hanmacturers. The surcena oj his new yntem is complete, the economy of his arrangements wiU tuppiy tbe best and moat flAhbmalHm Manufactures at moderate prtoee. Dct.oumbered by tliose heary sitpensea, whtoh the mania for decoratintT Houes of business hag heaped upon the price of Uoods, towing to large rent,) Joeepb hit wul "til on ready tnotwy aiuch lees than tbe usu al protitA.

N. B. Qkwriaaft nrpairrd Us assf mth du-pcA. ap8 mot Portable Tnreahin Macaine and Sep aratort, YVrARRANrEU thorouirliW built and to work wall. Made and sold by i CARRUI J.

KiKMIPtes 4 JMINISTKAT0R'8 NOTlUJLvwWbosaaa lett sof adnilmtrt ration tr beB iir.uwl to Unabea Wa.L ltparririi toeald MUM are reqaMeutii tA make lnM.1.1. iW.nt. bulDl elalm. aualoM Ihe amme, wiiiTr.ant them dulf tr e-ttlemeut to th. subeonuer at hi Twetdeaoa in BlMaWtb towa.bip apiittwl 11H16B14.N tmln ADJHXISTKaTOKS' NOTICK The haTiaa beef, appointed AdBliBUtraUir.

nt the enatenf Oenr.e Trhaa. fal.nl Alletih-uy Olt. Ail Shenr eounty. Pa dve'n, viva cc-tira to ttuxie wao ar. iu-dlu-1 ta aald li-orK U'ban, to aettl.

wlthia fbiur weekn, aotl thoa abo ha.eltiuis aail aetata to ma I iilr cilia, Ug.ll? e.1,11 uifl, 10 JU iv gBKlBTINA aiimlnl.tr.. IIICKLED ree'd an.l "Sir aai.br apttl BKL1, ajjouarj-f I INs Liaaisb EKll OIL 10 bbls. in stare and for aU U' lbiiUlWiH: TUESDAY MOENISO, APRIL 22, 1830. Kansas Aid AMoaiition. Thoee tortotaKoMi with th.

Soatata, ntM MMntal tt. aooly uiwl para.ra.lly or bjr mail. Fublie Meeting. Thar will a mwting rf oitiio of Pittsburgh ob this iing (TaesdsJ,) at th -Herchaat' Bxobaog, rurui street, ror ue pos of tokioc actinia rlatioa to th next Stat t. 1 lT.tiihirinn.

Thaea atinailit Km Agncunu' iImm mm it la imnnrftnt Iaimum (Vi Htat Fair here, for It il veil knows that when lb Stata Agricultural Society held their exhibition her to 185, th eitj ud 1U oitisena were greatly benrfltud by it. If th present opportunity is aot taken advaotsg of by Pittsburgh, torn other place will beleted for the Pair." Court oi Orn aid Tiuiiib, Shiiois, Judge H'Clnr and Asaoointes on th Benoh. At th poing of the Court yesterday morn' Im. th trial liet was retrained: A motion was mad to quash th indictment gainst Henry Biakely, for misnomer, hie name being Bamy Biakely. Th ooarge against htm was for assault and battery.

The Court qaaehsd th indictment and dem.aded bail in $600 to ap pear at the next Court, in bail Deing deemed too neavj, ine piea was wttaurawn, ana in a fendant aoosaoted to go trial. James MeAuallv was sentenced to the jail for two month! for keeping and maintaining a boos of ill fame, of which he wis ooBviattd some days CO. Clement HeUell wag acquitted of a charge of petty lrn, th prosetator, Joseph Eiohswen a or, tailing ttnpear against him. Franoia Qrant and William Johnston were ar raigned fax acsault and battery with intent to kill, upon th oath of Nieholaa Meier, keeper of th "White 8wan," drinking house, Market street, near the river. Johnston is still at large.

The proeeenior deposed that ou th night of tn avt or Marcb toe prisoner cot mis a dir. sanity with him at the hoaa. of prosecutor. That went away and brought bank with mm Johnston, and both attacked him. The prisoner in the ooun or th affray ant hun stveral times with a knife.

The linen worn by proaeautor at the tiros of th affray, covered with bleed, was shown the jury. Th defendant alleged that th knif was need by Graham, and that there was do intent or malioe in th affair at all. They were both in toxioated at th time. The prisoner was oou tioted and sentenced to Bin month Imprison ment In th County Jail. Anthony Gable was ordered to pay the sosts in a suit for surety or tn peso.

Hugh MoBearn was arraigned for passing counterfeit money, upon oath of a man named Leonard Walker. The jury found a verdict of acquittal. Barvry Biakely plead guilty to assault and battery, upon oath of yoong woman named Elisabeth Bhriner. The difficulty ooourred from snow-tailing last winter. The defendant was was senteooed to pay th ots.

Joha Raimaart plead not guilty to an Indictment for an assault and battery apon a German named John Aba. This case excited much mer riment from th ignoraneo of Coart etiquette manifested by the parties. Rhinahart was as- quitted and Aha ordered to pay the oosta. Nicholas Stilley plesd guilty to th laroeny of a pair or boot. Th Court sentenced him to Imprisonment in jail for two months.

Thomas Jaeksoa plead guilty to similar charge and received a similar esntenoe. In Coat Tus iHsimor WisTSRH PsaxSTLTAHiA. The Board of Managers of tbe Western Pennsylvania nospitat nsia a meeting on Saturday after noon, ax wo tea very important action was had. Th Department for th Insane has been completely organized, and by the prudent application or tne recent handsome appropria tioa or tbe legislature, we expect soon to see tbe Department expead into a credit to onr oitv and a blessing to that nnfortuaat cl of onr eititens the Insane. Th wards and rooms devoted to this class have been erected into a separate department, ana ut.

J. A. need, I Allegheny, one of the at tending Physioians of th Hospital, was on Sat urday elected hysician to th Insane. ot. X.

J. uaiisgner, ot rittsbnrgh, was ap pointed Attending rnysician in alaat of Dr. ftac. Th Medical 8taff of the Hospital is therefor bow composed as follows Brju.R B. Mo wry, M.

R. Trevor, A. M. 8pr, J. Hardtmsver.

-it. Pbisioahs Dr. James King, Dr. Jamas Wil ton, Dr. T.

r. aallaghar, (Vaoaocy.) Pbtsioia to TBI Issues. J. A. Rd, M.

D. These gentlemen all rank high in their profession, i i Waarw swqaested to stat that applications for th admission of insane parson nay baraada ltner to ue managers, or to J. P. Langdon, tbe gentlemanly and efficient Superintendent of the nospitai. Distbiot Coon.

Jodg Williams on the Beach. Th Court met at 10 o'clock yeeterday morn ing, when the following ease www sakva wt 8.8. Fowler vs. Robert Caldwell: No. 281.

April, 1866. Selden for M'Caadleea ana kodb ror defendant. Action oa book account for $200. Verdict for plaintiff for $194, 6 J. Bltor ft.

Jajnes' adra'r; No. 682, Apsil, 1866. Selden for plaintiff; M'Candlm Tor defendant Actios on a promissory aot for $1000. Verdtet for plaintiff for Samuel Qormly vs. Samuel Smith; No.

808 April tens, 1865-. Selden for plaintiff; no appearand for defence. Verdiot for plaintiff for $174,90. George P. Dihatw.

deorg Bradahaw; No 109, April term, 1866. Selden for 'plaintiff; Penny for Jarsr withdrawn, and judgment confeemd for $881,60 in favor of plaintiff. Covod Oraham vs. M. a.

J. Braideothal; No. 487, April term, Iboo. Kuha and Howard for plaintiffs; Judge Shannon tor defendants. Action sa a promissory sot.

On trial. DanaDrtra Aooidbst Aboot Bine u'olool yastarday morning, an accident ooourred at Ryan's building which will probably remit in th deals, of th sufferer. It appears that a laborer employed to attend th oabiasi soakers, named Michael MeKenna, went np to the fifth story, oa a "holster, which is raised by mi-ohiuery, with a lot of chair-stuff. While he was unloading it th wheel and chain brok and kt th boieter, the wheel and ohain all fell to the cellar together, the wheel and chain npon him. He was soon removed, anJ sent to hi residence ia Diamond Alley, where Dra.

M'Cook and Mc-Meal visited him. They found one leg broken la two places, hi h4 and face badly injured. and aia eh est alto. They are of th opinion that cannot recover. Th workmen raisad $50, and sent It tn his wife.

TasPiasT Qmdi Tbsodoh Th first goods hrongh iron Pitrsbarirh to this aity by the Main Lin, were reoelveil here by Esir's Trans portatioa Line on th 15th lost. Th Lin of this Company wa understand, is e.tn posed of forty boats, their agent, in this eily are Messrs. Btemea Baker, oa Broad at rant Wri are glad to know tber is yet atrprla enough la nor Stat to indno parties to pat stool ou the Main Use notwithstanding th attempt of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company to enuh its "a vast mat and th Aot As-sembly, passed by taa pro. Legisiartrre to prottot transporters, then may be a farther in crease of atook rapoa ffmi. CoaaaetiOB.

Ia th report of th fir la Al leghany in yesterday paper, we aaid that Mr abler. Tinner, era varoeared. We were In nor. It apptars that th policy for $1,000 had aot bata sveie ewt, and that hs had aot paid ay money. The delay was ths fault of tbe Agsat, Mr.

ManaeU, ef the Citiiens; bat ar glad to say that Mr. JrL aakaoldget himself noand to pay th amount of th insnrano. Bhb Btobb refer sor rsadsrs to th advertisem*nt of Messrs. Holmes Collins, toaeessor ta B. a.

Shanklaad. Agrlonliural impivuivui veaiar. Wood atraat, naar Fifth, wbish appears in another aolama of thia paper. Their stool is very larg. smbraoing evwry description of implMrsats nsed by farmers, seed, plants, flowtrt, te to.

Ou ovaatry readers when in th city make pnrehasee should give them a eall. Asormaa ibb. A barrel of spirit la th oel-lar of th baildina apitd by Mr. tied en th eoraar ot Ievaaook and Federal trusts aaoght fir oa Suadsj Bsorauf, irom tparkt rrom the fir of Saturday, and th flame war immediat-1t onmrnnnisa'td to the buUding, whioh wa burned so th rroand in a very hort tim. Th beer boas adjoining wa farther damaged, bat aot oompletsly destroyed.

Ssopu Dsatb 4)a 8 at nrday afternoon, an elderly gentleman named Randolph Faaa, died very suddenly at his resident ia Greensborg, Wsttmorelaod soaaty. He had just partakes ef a heavy dinner, and immediately after leaving th table expired. An aUsotioa or the heart it tupfostd to have been th came of hit death. IptrTmi.l sale of prop-trty ia Roe tosrnship, advertised by Mr. W.

C. fltidr0D, ia indefinitely fOBtponed. 1m Cm. J- Bdgar PreatdtBt of th Pamy'TniB' Ceatrsi Railroad tres to jura, CI alburn Wo. M-Kr-e A in, bite, Stevens A Co.

tr-d Matrtt ero a fi-r 1'. Hi? KK it AT1 II Hit CTSKK, Utiitd Jtiatr! brativb Ol3' S.orh toartb utr-et, Pbiia-leiptii. A. A. liAitUV.

tn-nt Pittpburtih, ar rorurr Front and Ferry t. Franklin Fire Insurance of Fhilad'a. IKliiUTOKS: t'barlen W. iiancker, Geo. W.

Kl'-hardft, Tboe. Hart, Mordeoai D. 1wm. Tobiaa antrr, A.i-tii.nn namuei uraut, iavul p. brown, Jawxib K.

Hnijth.MorTir' i'aturpon. Oil AKl N. BANCKUrt, rVetridenL UHAaucft 1. BiwcKiR, Secretary- This Company Dtinn-R tr make Insurance, permanent or limtted, on eyery Jencrfptiou of Property in town and country, at rat-s ae low as are tngir-nt with awarity. TheCoropmny have rawrvvvl a lartre contmueut land.

their Capital aud Premium, ioveetd, airTj ample protection to thu aaRured. The awl of the Company, on January at pnb-HRhd artablj t. Ui Aot of Assembly, were art follows Wlt'. fiUB.l'ifl 68 ltai Kutate i77 78 Temporary 17 litocka 00 Oai-Ut-tc HI Hinoe their iDWrporatloti, a perkJ oi i yars, they hava fiald upwards of One Million Font Hundred Thousand Uul-ar I ossee bf Klre, thirehy affording eviilfoce of the advantages of Lnsuranca, as well an their ability and dwposi- btuu lueei biiu prompT-nes? an iiarnjities. J.GARl'NKH (Mr Atren aplU Office S.

E. corner of Wood andod nta. 'Wettern Ininrance Comoany OF 010. DAasia. passr m.

uoiuon, bact. Will Insure npiinst all kind of Fii and M.ine Kinkfi. maacToaa: Thoe. ricott, A. Nimiek.

0. W. KicketsoB, O. W. Jar gaon.

Wm. H. Smith. tt Miller, Jr. J.

W. Butler. Antlrww Acktey Ihmsen, Jas. McAulsy -T-o. Dame, Nath'l Uolmas, Lipplnoott, rrA home Institution managed by Directors wetl known iu this fjomaauulty, and who will liberally adjuat and prompt! 7 pay all lames al the Ornci, No.

92 Water Btrer-t, iHpang A Oo's Warehouse.) up stairs. PUtabnrgh. a4hn Fur the cure of Scrvfuia, demra of ths Jiloodt und ImpUTiiut of Ihe Ziyeiem. r'llliS wobdertai preparation and curtain rcimady ibr that most Jreadd of all complaints, has nuw oblaineu a reputation iu pr.vaie pratiw, and wuh-out Ike autuf iidwrUsina, WHOLLY by any ttbr medicine hitherto Known. It is not dsund In this short advertisem*nt, to (rive a treaLiee on scrofulous or tuberculsr Jlsaseai, as that is now ready lor perusal ana can oe oaa oi aa our agents, gratis.

I will merely say that it has CU REb CON SUM PTION, w.n all other remed iee tiave faild Amongst the man tlls-ases that ibis medicine has made the moat remarkable cur-s are tne following: CUosumptUu, P-euriey, Urouchitis; ac-i ail aiseaeea of the cDeet and tunes; pan tu the i.tieet; a n'ver failing -vcao iy. Canker of ths nomtb, Ostanrb. in.nainpf rvp, Kiuor Ai-bus, ao allotbsr diseas-Mf it lbs Womb, Nerv-onsness. Uys-psiea, lnQaaimaLiinot tbe Kyee, fimpUHt kaoe. BpiltinK ar.d Vomltingof Bloml.

Piles, Wbof-piufl; C-ugb, UiT'psies, Hystnri-g, Jsandlce, and all diaeas-s of the Liver, Im potency. Incontinence or Urine, lurtuena. th- best remedy evef tried; Chills and fever, ii ravel, or Hione in ths Itlad.ier, Lumnago, and ati rorm- or Kuuiuaifn, uarasmua, Kaipttatlou tbe HMrt, amors and Abaisai-s; Antcwma or Uebciebcy uf Blter-d, Atrophy or a-tlng ol tbe Hod v. and ttmaciatiou. IrWdis and Oartiun-cles, Oet'ility.

lisase 6l the rtpleen and Kldoeys, IMiilQess of the Head, hort news of the Breath. Fl-tuietice, fiick llesdacha, iHsroiorationsstf the Sklti Summer 5om plaints. Clears at. mirw generally. all impurities of the blood trom whatever cause.

HOW IT CAME TO BE KNOWN. VY hen 1 first commenced practice in New York mom VI years sua, my attention was almost immediately nailed to ttie oany anl inereaeiait rases of Scrofulous omrj plain la, aud lor which no certain or aurceeatut mode of trnMrnent could be adopted, I began to make mvseh familiar wivh ll in all its most vim lent forms, and alter fen years of almost unremitting labor, 1 prep-red and began to anply the Hcroiuloue Antidote" in mr practice with the HOST MEM A HKABLE SIXVUXH It basuowbeen l.oa in mv practic over eltbt years, an sr great as the demand beceme, without advertising in the newspapers) from re ports id its miraculous cares, hich have goo trom month to mouth, thai I have determined to give ths suffering throughout tbe ooun try, the nenetit of its wonderful curative prupertti-s. 1 can ful.y assure those who may foal disposed to try It, that it is perfectly wh' Irksome, and a Purely Vegetable Preparation. And has made more iwrmanent eures than ai! other medi clues put Wgether. 1 hav- now ly tog in my desk cvr onehuo lred fyvUlfn FED TEJT! MONIALW tua be seen and read hy all who desire it.

and not on of are ardi uarj i-aAr-s, but eucb as to inspire the ITlMuiiT LVX PtUESVH Tn this Biadlcina liiaav. howereJ Inrreduiuns. 1 will giv? laUvice. gratis, on all disoaces, tany who are disposed to caul at uj hroadway. between 1J aud cioca, r.

m. kuii direction' acoompany eah bottle, and it can be had of N. WiCKKheHMAH. i4l Lrtartv t- Pittsburgh; ii, UavcrsticS, ortb Uanover tarllsle. Fa.

nucipai O-flce, -UM Bruatiway, S. V. dwlt-lyd Helm bo IdS ijrfnuine Prearatluss UU1ULV UilNCKNTK ATKD ouMPOUM) fluid fc.ATiiAi;r Buurirj Is a certain, sale and effectual remedy -r Du cut tJte 8UaUIt, A'laneys, u-rueni, irtipsy, Utah- nets. Secret InstttJ, VtittrucUvns, Vtmuc ComatnU, and all Dlauaain of -be Genual Or wans, whethar in MALE OR EM ALE, Tbi prjpuLar and st-ciuc rmeiiy 4, and guarauteel to curaail la now otfereU to the tbe atKiv eoniplainte. afnir; I snarcbfj uut tbe verr roots of the ilia-Mse.

drivniat aii tbe dlanased flul'ls of tbe body, thus rt-moviug tbe can and fodcrtna the cure certain and itentfanrnt. This uiolinur auia.) pai aud iutiautauatinn. wbich othr reiuclles lUTariabl causM, and can be taken with le trcuoie and espenset. patients. This lntaliie rv-medy has savd thiuHands upon thouaau is irom tbe Oaud ot Mrt ti ii twms, if not trom premature graves, mcaeee or mlecuou, the Ootupouud is the ouly article wor-thy of the least ooubdenos ot ths ajnicted ia performing K.ures.

It eDtajr. ao narcotic invtiury, or other lnurVons drug aut a piireij fftumir Gbmposu. It is very agi-eeable to the taste, create no perceptible, odor, and mar he taken by persons of eiihersex without hindenuoefrora bus-uess or meuical advice, aa plain directions lor use accompany the medicine. ii you have any of tbe above not nKect tbem. IJ-aysnr? taneentua.

itb thin medicina yon cn ear vourself, and thus pra vent all esposure. Tht Ttt MUT jyu WfLL PREVAIL This medicine npeedily and sftectuaily cures the most virulv-nt tbi in ofaeraret diseaaea, and eradicates every particle of infectious matter frois the system, reetormg the patient to a pvrtfvct stats of U-taltH and urUy. Ana as a medicine whichmust benefit everybody, from the simply delicate to the confined and despairing invalid, no equal is to be found, it acting both aa a Ourt and iVeventahv ot any of ths abu va ailments. HlXUBOLLTB MGULl COEXlUjslkit Compound Fluid Extract pHrymg the JfiAMkJremtnnag aUisass artstng from exeies Mercury, exposm and twtfiruaVncc in chronic fnjtUutvmal duelist, arising from an vtatmrt sUtU the iWoorf, and IV miy reJiabU and Jctualkntmn remedy fix-the cure. o.SrAaia, SaU ft Vea, OcaUi Hwd, Clceruiimt Threat and IQt, faxnt and wrJimcs qf'Jie Jitmts, r-r, l-ips on acf oi Scaiy Eruplwris nftAe i is gratifying to the proprietor ofthesa medicines to ba able to state that It I now nearly three ytars since they were first introduced during which timtj tbey have hswui esteusively used In various parts or the UuiM States, and have niveu to patient and practltionv-r the hiuh-t satistai'tion in the rariotie cases iu wttib tbey have been employed; whetfaertn or pnvale practice, tbey hav.

lovahatily th- im-st eidsd and uuejuivocal satisfaction, aud produced the most salutary and beneficial efTerta, Numv-rous tetters have been ieoeived from the most dtstlnguisLttd physicians Id tbt oo entry and from tbe pn-frseo-e of swssirai medical colleges, recommending in the hit -el terms tbe valuoui thvee mMicines aud tuelr superiority over ail other preparations such complaints as the proprietor recommends. Numerous preparations vt HarsaparUi 0, Hurhaarl various mod- nf prt-jv-ftPi them have been given, all of which of course will u.tfer according to the mode of preparation which each Individual n-ay adopt. These medicines ulre oonstderable care in the preparation and the employment of Dien-'rua in suc-oessive operation to Uae up the cgtraotua matters, and, lu consequence. ars rr-wiuentl iiupn-periy mad, and not unfrMiuantly morh to-paired. If uot ren derl totally luert, by the luju-iicicu-r uaskllful management ot those unacquainted wil preparatk-ns.

It is, therefore, of the and Importance to the public and t. the facult- that then should be standard preparations of uirortu Btreugthjaqj noases iug thmtrvlvnrages. To effect this aiii obviate the evii alluded to, 1 have made a humbtt ot experiments to ascertain the most eflfectualun-de uf extracting the virtues of the Harnapariila and aud to discover the mast eligiM tvrm lor their exhibition. TbHexperimenta have resulted moat favora.ij aud it is with much pleasure I now ofr-r to the public and the tacuity my Compound Ktuld Bjtracts, wheoh oonUJu all the virtues of tbe articles they are rpresnntej to be made from in a h'guiy r-m (wptrat-r-t form, and a the utosi preparations which can be made Two tablespoon fills ot th Extract ttarta-riliaaddedl' a pint ot water is -yual tbw Lisbon diet drink, aod ae bottle fully equals tn strength one gal ion of ttyrup gaxaaparlUa or drcoctiua as usually mad Vajcaa. Wuid aTitract ftuchn, Jl per botUe, or 8 tor It.

narsaparllla, Certificates of cures aud recojiiiaetid8.tioi:9 rrcm dttitt-gufshed pronssti-s aud physicians wilt aoooiufanr each preparation. Pisparad and said by tl. T. HkiMBOlD. ATracctoal and Anaiyiioal Chemut, o.

ChHitnut Htreet, a-ar the liirard Ilouse, Pbilda. To be had ot DruKgifts aod dealers in every section tbe United States aod Canalas. J. P. FLEMING, Allegheny Cltv.

oeo. a. hKvaslR, 15 woo-i t. pittshurgh. Wnolesala Agents.

All tetters for ths medicine directed to the proprietor roeive ixnmedlaie attuntion, aod safe deliveries guaran-teed. sefcMiia. The Wonder of the Age. IP DR. TOBIAS Celebrated Venetian Lin-ttnent does not cure Cholera.

Dvseutary, Croup, Col, Couorhs, Uy-cepeia, Vomitinginirws. Toothache, Cfaapnu Hands. CViid Peet, Moequitrt Bites Insect dungs, Chrouk Rheumatism, Swellings, Old Ho res. Cuts. Burns, Uru.aes and Pains oa WealtDess In the Limbs, Back and Chest.

AO HtrMBlO-THY if. Dr. Tobias has warranted his Liniment for eight years without ever having a demand made for the return or the money all 'hat la asked is to use lt according to tbe dl-reutKins. No will ever be ll bom After once uslnc it. Ii you do not had better than mt thtng yon have ever tried befors Get Tout Money Eeturtud.

MTt.usaud of Cart ifj-a tee hava ben recelvad speaking of in rare virtues. Now-aMaya it is the practice to Oil the papers with orvUueatea from unknown persona, or given by tl who have never used the mediaine now Dr. Tobias offers to p-iy 1,000 DOLLARS to any one who ll prcv that ha ever published a fa.se certificate during the time he has had hLs medicib betors tbe 1'ublic 7 Call on tbs agents and gat a Patupuiet containing gen-ulne certiflcates. As perrons envious of the large sals ol the Venetian Liniment haH stataul it ti.ii.rinn, into. 4t intsrnall.

Dr. Tobias has taken thei.liowing Hamdbl I. ToaiAS, of the city cf New York, being duty sworn, detvae thai I ecmpoood a Limheivt called Vena fun. and that the ingredisnU oi wnichit is cotaiposad are perfectly harmless to take internally, even in double the quantity named In the Directions acoompaurlng eaxdl hottle. i.

i. TuBiid. ew Tork Jaouarr lth, 1(166, Bworo to this day bsafr.ro o. FtasAJtW) Wood. Mayor.

Prtofi and 60 cents, sold by the Druittd'cs and Patent Med id tie Lteaittre thnugbout th- Ucitad l-tatea. HTAiao for rale Dr. Tibiae1 Hcraa Liniment tn pint bottles at 6-0 ceo a warranted snperior to any oihar Ur. ToMas i Courtiatid kU V-rk. Orrics PaiiaattiavttU CottaaufviLLi R.

Oq i Pittsburatb. s'sih- 1i.f.e BONDS THKBORODOIlSOFMkF.E& MKT an CUNNiai.avlt.LIC lioiued to the fltu-burvh an4 ConoeitTllle Hailroad Ootoraof la parmeot ol (mbecrlptlnn. oefc of naid imiiaur, are pff.retl rHIH HALU on fairlerm. in of UN. ilUNOKKti ore ON V.

i THul'-ANO leil.l.AKH bnailuafll pkr cli.Nr. ipianftM, raia eemioauaiir ac IA, one ot eald iniBiiDinm. ruuuuitn. i a. payment af prln etnal and latapiMtOB theea Hood.

1. aWi.d (JenfMiay. A. tlieahow tforoairhe hare ao overa 1 i or aiao. tnea.

na, n.i on eoondered a b.l. ai-dSKCUKKUVaVTSlSNr. 'or lartber toAtrttatum appif S. PflOHrLAS thKllan, rrantfar Olarfc at vha odloo or tbe I'ompanjr, il LB UALU Vou-th and Llbertr ap MU vUV Akra, JWdant County. JswsLKY.

Mr. J. Ryoneily, Jeweller, Fifth etrm-t, is ron'ttn liU ostc.blieha.ent for the spring trade, ani wiU ready shortly to receive the pub he Foa Kansas. We learn that the fourth party for KansKs. under th auspices of the Aid Association, will leave to-day.

A hfth party fietting ready to leave hy th first of My. I Fran lh Ho ton Savtara.y KreBiDK 0ittt.1 fVSA Ferfnmrxl Urwilh Wht lavjy or BTitlmnvn Lk3 remain under tne curse ii-vtr'-nhi. ft oDtriirt( would nt only rwititr it tvw but th ttrfth mnite iD4iceif nnj prsoiui io dH kik.w tbir bnwth tx tti su'iject in il.ot th-ir fneud will never meDttoD it. tVur a single drop oi thtt Bavlm'1 joar nl wtwb the teth uiKht and moriUHB- A fife- uetu totuo wiU iwt yvr. tng tb' ivUm a Thmuan i wiU retu." tan, ndjrnkies trvra tbe tltln.

leTiug itot ft ll aa Tt9it4i nap. sawet, pour va two or tnrfw aropn, and warttx tb favo night Hj4 mrraiotf. SHATTsa Maii Ivast Wit roar RhawlDaT-briiftb Id ftber Wftrm or o'ld wter. pour on two ot three drop of Blm of Thoiuil Flower," rub the bewd wfii wid tt will mue tvauulut ott l.ttier mueb lntCAting ttt opera-ttoaof onavlDft. Frice ly Centn.

A U. MlNlt UK H. Ageuu tot ficuDUTfein. A Card to the Ladies. J.

DUPONWrl QOLDKN. K3 r'Oll FEMAl.BSintalllblein et-rwliuit lrresa r-itivt, and remOTioa otetruotlons of tilts Monmir Turcf. frou wnaavermii0e. AU Medical Men Know Al vll QUIT or her. no rwa can rnrfv omtt asal.A uniett she titavlar; tint wnuiMVpr an oboirurtioo takM ploe, wbthr rroru niir, otlj, or an; ntht eause, th.

senral h-a'th bgin. Immediately to au tbe iac ol sacb a remedy haa been ih oi oo many fmeiimptl n. a "uag femaiep. Ilea ia be, pain In the tide. of The heart, toath.og nt ffMxl aud tllatuctwHl uleep most alwajn arlae irom ihe Miterrui-tifn of and heuever that.

In the caw, th fillM ll lnvarablr remedr all tfce e. l. foil aadeptcit Direction- acrompany each bnx. which Biaet be atrlrly followed and .11 dlieaaes peculiar to te male- mar ha pedi eared, Paici 114 Kci. and prild br all tne DruKirlnt.

end by PAMH. A KKKU. Aaeut. lor Atleiihenv; Fl LTON'rt Drn atcire. Birniinatiam: Jtlll( I' fcdlT 1, awl Libert? and Wf.

A 111 LliKM-'KN NY A CO, la Ktfth Pitt, burgh. They will eupply the trale at proprietor', prlee. and the lUla hi nail ou receipt IhroUKh Pittsburgh o. xutlida.M BESOVAL. MASON" BROTuERS, Publiohars, -V VOR Hay.

Rerouted from No, l.i ark Row, to their ew Store, Nos. 108 110 Uu.ine Street, A rew 2ofia a of No nua hroadway. mrl HKMO VAIj Paper Warehouse, Nos 3 a 5 Decatur Philadelphia. EGARGEK BKUl kiliKS, Paper Mana- XvJL favetarvan and Importni of Manufacrunrs Mat-trial bts to nUltbe attention ot I'un h.wr to their exWnM.ti aaaortanat of Paiwrgand Papttr Maxr MLT-rilf, outbid to tb wan la of aod oDf uu.flr In nnry rwtif.o ot ttt oouotry. AU nrde' attntioo and tit Lad at a tov pnew any iti th Lnii.B 92wlOOT a of Kaift a iiu-d tor cah.

iwfe anmerdirw ED WD GENERAL COMMISSION MEK'JUANT, And Wholasale Ileal er 10 BaaafaelureJ Tubarro, iuipurkd 1 Douiesiir, CWARj), So, AO. 197 Liberty Street, Oomwof Brewsry aller, mhlK-ly i ITTSBUSBU. A. i. Krebs LITHOGRAPHERS, No.

74 Tklrw HtreM. Utapatrh Hulldla. VERY KIND uf UKAWINU KN- A GUAVINIl AND PiU.Vmii sxauiUMt ta the beat stria, at modwata prtqwa. FOHNirilKK. RYAIN'S BUIJ.DlINGiS.

a a adth IIE SCBSCRIBEt. wo ild in- Jbrm frtenda and th iMbt.fltl.avt hw nurrhta. lb Intervsnt ot bia laLii LaTtow. and ia skiltt swt oi mil tfrrtaa CABINET AND Chair ManufactoriDg Estabhsliment, The mo. axisnPiTa and ouuiprete of tiu kind in th oounLr y.

With a (ttoel: of orr MfLriCN frt of rhoif Lorn-bf, wall MOasviavad, aud ft latronn form or nriet r- nmctikxn-id, will fXmmto-e opratka iu a few dayti, two tv will barmdr to attmiltt tli ordstra of bi numivm ttftod and cmrTtomeir, A T4RIKTT OV NEW STYLES OF 4 URMTURK WIU ba Dtrodaoed and an Id at low pric. rarttctaiar attitioo will bv ciTun to th mDUi-tarliiat of FaralturtB Bui tabic for rMeamhonta and llilt, wa.cn will Im aold ou mcaommffAmuag tvtuaa, and at prirrai that will dwf" wnptHitron. CASK SEAT CHAIRS Wad at this wtablisbuioDt, much a-iiairod tor durability and iuatn(Ba of dufti.fx,, will be iold at th miuod piica or frmo $yMt to and XUitailNOof nU kiaos 4on to order. Rooms with Power to Rent VVwHrt- We.AaW Umir aiiii- nas-irr no'linti B-snnslIr, al on hataO, and will old to tba uaaits at a mall adrano on KtvtUrn cr-at prUee ti. U.

KY" AN, aS-lTdw8 No. 31 rth ntTt. Commercial Hotel. Corner of Otrod arid Sew Levee, Sew OrUarn. K.

fta ly il a the ah I would mo respect-F inform tbe traTeliax do bale that hm bav JLai above wMurd HotH. Tbe Hotel baa recentlv uDderrorM a thomneh rt-sair and roouDvatlon, and has been tiui up with new ami ei-cant mroi tare, mj-petiax, ac The proprit ur will par err? care and attectp to the row fori anl waute the hoarder. Tbe table witl be tuprbd with tbe beet that the market a0-ni, Thift clotel be 1 1: a sitnated in th vicinity of aha buHiDeee part of che eit, i well ax rwyiog cPovnnlnt to tbe 6teamoaat AaWwhna, the prtpriet-T bopfK that bj strict attention totAe of hie patron to reoeiee tbat libexai LivitAae Ab4 iaa arer bum be towed spew tbi booas. Price of Board per Day, 1,00. The Bar wiU be.torkd with Vt inee aud I iQutrrfl interior to no other honw in tbe eit.

A atood Luncb from lu to 12 A. M. ud aca-unimaiaurif attendante. jaiA 1 yd ttUoiti. bupt.

Union Coal Worki For Sale. Hf! Coal Works lately owned by A. Leeoh Co. tdtaate on the Mononaahela river, about miles from Pitta burab. are now f.r tvaie.

Tfc property 1 '6 acre nd 116 perehea, (mir or mm) ana au ineeoannerein auu aim-, an tne ooai in about 1U0 moie. together with buildinua. railways, to. For furtbar part krn -are applv to D. W.

A. f. liKLL, Attf's. at Uw, apllrtf Wo towrtb etr-et Pitttiur.h. ROBT.

HUTOHLSON, COMMISSION MECUAXT, jal iOH the sale ol Western Keaervo Cherae, Butter, 111, Baoon, rin, ana reari Aane, So. IIH Svond bet. Wood Smitfyitld, rtttaburgn, Pa, Kir KB TO O. Blackburn, PreH.Cltlsene Depoelt PltUbnrh, Springer ilarbauith. Pitteb', A t-brtTf-r LiUwortb, B.

A. aabnestoea A Co OAt LAND FOR SALE H.i acres tetu Ooai. and lbU acres surface. Immr- llateli bact of Baet blrmlntf baxii. Thin iV.avl 11 vimww ft.

rA vltilhaa anv nlharia and offers a rare cbnoe tor parobaesrN The nurfa in elevated and beautllnliy ffttnated lor Ooaotry but 30 minuter ride from th mcy. on a roa't of eawy irrwle. The atmospberc Is clear, pure and bradncc, free from miasma aod obiaetJoiu tr- low iaud, render! un it ons of the moat pleaAkDt an healthy locations tor ridencw. Keter-n a ts ma-la tn Wm. J.

-ir who owne and re sldaa oa adjaoant prop-rty. It will wtld In Qv and ten are plotA. or toretber, aa teeirel, If not sold by the hrst day of March, It will dlnne of at public aale Apply to O. O. tiKKlW.

M. KAroN.J. MOWRT, BlnnlnKhamior WM. PHlbUP. Keu ornsr Virpt and Hoas at or L.

O. PBUKN. rt. tavi.o i (11 ARB The HobHcrir will have an office for ifreaatit month at him f. rmerytaod.

mr. WnrHi and sixth ttn. when those luot-bwd to bun wiU pir-aM sail and make pa? ment, anl tbna baviD claims aaialuat him will praasnt Uw tar frelCteo ant. aplO MHJLURtl. RATES OF DISCOUNT.

OOaVAaWrtb DAXil SOB MS afrmet.aofl ullBTe. 17 Hi. UOLMJuS A tSUNS. Brokers Vs. 67 Aforftrta at, tutmtm AtrsJ and frntrth Ks.

tttsnwryih PaiVWSYLVANlA. Brmnr-h al Xenia i Bank of i'lttabarftn rtrancb at Yoiuuistown. ot fcxeba.ai;e bank ot Bank, do Mt. and au ul of donparltonnerrriai BltyClactn'C do Hank of Oommeroa par franklin Bank do Bank of North par; Lalayette bank do Bank of North's Libertiea.par Hauk of I'eiiojirUaaiia par mioLiieiue.a iTuntCex. do VVatfitern Heeerre do Small Note Itana or OommerciaJ Bank of 1'a pari NEW KNHLASU.

aolrvnt Bank a farmers' a Metbanicr aMrard BaDk iienatnirton par Itanuiac. A Mecb. Bank. pari KW YUKit. New York Citr nat Uountr? MAKVIaANb.

oax mwcnajiicfc nanK pax MoyaJuaw)H Bank. UiladHipma BanA par oath war par tOouotr pari A II aolwnt Weetarultanfc par! VIKOINIA. auk otChaa, Oeynborarb Bank of tne Valley )J Bank of brl.v-a., trk of Vtrviala. satwli! -Vt MwrbanU Alierhlllank Bank of tX tiarth Wester Bank. Bank of Branr-h Bank of Middietown NOkTH CA WlLIH 'a.

Montwrr Co.Bank Baa ot Cape fear 2 Bank of Nortbbarlandparhiftuk of St. Caroll'a it Oolutabra rrk A Brtdjte m. Bai.k, WiLminiiton. I 1 iTleaowii Ban KastYn Bank par SOUTH CAROLINA. Brie ak s'-artditi 3 raxmera' Bk of Buirfc" Co Hank ot Carolina 2 Parmeew1 Bk of Kan of Chadestou a farmers' Bank ot I'isntsrs'A Mecbwj'i' Bk 'i Para.

Bk of tfrbnylkUl pax I to (ui I A. tar. 1W, ayiUMbnrK. I Auxrusta Ina. A Bk'fi Co rVaDKUn Bk WahJOKtoou.

ot Anirnstaw. Itamaksarg BaAkWWHM kilik of Brunftwtcn, Ana a. HoueMaWe Th NKSHJsg. fjancasxer Bant. AJ.laotTQt.

Lancutor County b-KN LUCiiy. Lebanon Bank Bk of Kentucky, IjouIso Miners' Bank orPotUriUepar Bk of Uui fhantoB Moaovfrahela Bank parj Northern Bkoi Hantocky Weet Ura-ich Uank pJ)uUMrB Hkirl H.Hntcky Wyoming l.k, Wilkeebarrepari INDIANA. York jttat Bank Btef MtB.JlJHJ. OHIO. Mieeourt Ohio BtaU BaoW MS1N.

Branebat do Marina A Cu. ohJas I Braocb at At bane do MK HtAX. Brajavrb at BnOf do Karmers' Heotanicr' Bank 9 Branch a CilT.rxrb.. do fVmsiular bank 3 BraxMb Inauranrje r' t.wif.tr,. qunuu nrint Branch at IrtArrm dot CANADA.

ttolBk N. Toronto dutt'k otihe Peapje, Toronbo do. hank or Misutr-ai OojHk of V. Caua'la. Toronto 3 d- KAsn-KKN KJaCUAiUt dlOn Nw (Ut Ta dO dom BaitUsapreei.

do (o; rtCVtSt S.IOUANQK. ftnifttaajrtw.Taavtl a. Branch at Branch at CoJombos Branch at Airhtabule ranch at ranch -H Branch at KtpNry Bran-b at Branch at aehisrtoi Braoei. at CLeuLnvUls. do.luieTUlM,.wn.n.4 RraruAi al Mt.

doiHt. Ixmi Bran-chat ttolOOLB A BSPKCIB A Brancii at doloubloon. pantihAm Braaob at do do Patricrt. Branch at Troy do? Rattle, old Branch at M4.Viaasa.B-.... awolBattie, n-w Branch at t0 Branch ftt tie Tsa Thalera.

f.Ho Branch at Plqaw. armntah at PertamoaAb dtwwarelirn s.k BranJt at Katon do I Ten Brmxaoh at 8, It Branch OwyaWa do Uuoata. lis SaAASiUOaW. 0 at 1 FAMILY PHYSIO nv -wly preparation, piwwit to in tate, aofH'd Iu iu action upon th LlTer, tomah, tDd eDrii yytu-in. Ar an Ajitl-bUliou aud Medirlna HAS JVO EQVAL IS THK WORLD I have ay4 It montantry In my wartici- ftr upwaT-iin of 10 i jara in atl oa" whreaK'-od Pbynirand Alterative waa reaalrM, and wiuld bow ao wudoui it.

it ne PHYSICIAN'S ASSISTANT, Ai weM af tbe aater't tamily medicine in une. Children drink rnxA yO-ftfurr wii not nTuwitit the weakest ttnmaeti It products ii grtim0.tril ain-raie easily, tur. to ail xmpurUusfrvm Ju systsm if ti it Dftvrixi tak7i. lAfreivly fufjUSA.ND Uf JtlVINU W1TNK88K8 Me reaijy tf tentify lojita iprior virtues, tridepuu len of ItR putative ami an(j-oili'Urj iiiralitt-. It bas cured the worst rm of K-fpean ia a lew laje.

It 1- NfcVEH FAILING CUKK lb Headache. Uw fVi taint, Jaunduss mney uoni-P'aint, BU1UR r-TTi f-li'R in the Evk, Braat aud lia.ba.UoMa, OraaipRj Wonm. Lurabavto, Hlotchee on the Hkiti, Pimples, Outanrua, liruptions. in the System CoDSirat loi Bowel. DmiDi-', Mr unal Kuiaritiee, Bowel Coin plaiutu, UlcnT of ail Klnde; Ac -t deanem! oy iib nopenor medicinal Tlrtuea, thi aier.us humcr trom the bioo (arid corrupt bile from tb stome-h.

carryuiK tt off throwirh tba natural channels, it in vino ia.tk-.tr blooo and leaf 'he eyntfm 1 ak ttiy trienils to tept tbe above lrd-iriue, autl pt-onianci; a wJict an tbey sJiall be imprweeil by tfteeTidene. 1 iijee woo auow vto.v".Mwy not doubt It wrth. t. i Mnce no medicine hs attained such wonderful popularity ana iti sale I. a :percae.l.

beyond the most hopes of it friends burs recouiiend It me a sale aud CSEQVALLht) PH S.C Phyetcia-i carry it wun m-m. W1 TASK NO OTHER after one i rial. an4 parent uw no otirer lo tb-ir families. People IWlng 'n low marshy couutrle. mb-re.

ttoJemdly miaKmae, where reer-. Anus aud sr. and biltiouscomi'iainuiare more apt ti be, will nnl t.i "Lbiaid CatbartiV the m- st potei- omedy yet tried. 0We it a trial. a WhfUiiate by A.

B. I. autxn, v. T.vitniwr 0. 0.

Htntr, New Vora. Full direorion" aocompm "nt; eaca ptana 26 itn of tn and twenty ikv-e. rincpat Depot. Rrna-twat N.V. Hold by N.

VV ICK KKrH A 5J Mber.y i. W. lK -SltrtTICAa North Uaii' Vrr Ht iiariifie, tvnna tWlt BOKHHAVE HOLLAND BITTSil UK Colebrawd Holland Remedy for Iy Benela. (Iiaaee of RidnTS, bier Uompiaint. w.aa-- nessof any kia-i.

and the wiou- affwitoiis ooneequeiu upon a dieorderv-d Stomach Uer. fwh an IndigeaUon, i.iitv nt rh. rirnmart. alilfttr Pai BP. Hcartrmrn, Ijoe Airtite.

IMspoodfocy, Blio and PiltHi. In ail RheumaUe aud NeMiralarr" ait. tions. It has in ounienn iiitance prosed highly neb-ciai. and in other svifectd a -ctdi cure.

Tbteis apnreir ve-taMe i-oinp otil, prvpartvi on etn Uy scleatiltc priociplee, ait-r the niaaner ol tbe ceieoratnl Holland uroe. Ilwrbaee, Hecaue of its ureat Piicoe-s in tu of the K.if.i-e." iUta. Its into tb-tni ted States was inUn.iel more epeciaiiy tb-ue our isthcr'and scattrrfd bre anJ there oter the lace k. sv.rh summi amoau tbem. 1 now offer it lo the Aoeriran public, knowing that ite iiuly wocjeriul medicinal virtues mm bu ncAa-ml- "ft particularly recommended to thost persons who mpstitutions may hs ben tio pair, by tne eoutlnaou uee of ardent spirit, or cth-r forms of diseipatjon.

inetanu.n'iis in it finds it way directly lo tbe erat of ilf. thrillitig aod qOics emi.fi eerf n-ree, raie-tng np to -Irwfpiuai gpinf, aud. ia-it, inrnstng new health an.l Tlgor the syefm. WKAfiNkiW Of TUK ri'uM (. AND INDHJICcTMX.

jln-gA-r In'stt Oft Ecmi ow iwViWJl W.isd tMtrt-Thewtfrof Pitr te Witte. bring in Holland l.lW. ftbebojaraa oouniy. Wiaciwiin.eufferel much from weak-Dees of the 9tf ma. and In fne bad beenuniier a piifntciao'e e-ie lor some time, but tfe dieete seamed to laarffi" even his SSiM.

fib rurcbaet'd eoma HOLLAND HUT EKS at Vur offu. wht-h has gi-eo tone) ta her stomach; her appetite and sf.r-nth are returnii gi and tirniiy beliee that tbia la another great cure effected by your mitcine. Vi hav stilt to rerd ii.au wond-rful eures K- rmMlv eat must wait another opportun i "fleeted One thing ynu cati what hate pubiiiiicd troiu uersons much rwspectc.1 in oar comros'tttr od are gd Sheboygan Nieuwsbode, fueboygad, wis. lYriCl'clA ANl bKBIUTY LkKU TheMAre K-i the Pittsburgh aud B-m- Ra.n itfr-- "for years nave mm ibmih, yroui i-jip-prta With a rv.iief, I rorl-d to man a-tvertiel remedies but railed in deriTiiig b- beneo: scaght "tr, until tritl jMir ii' LLAN1) tbe happy etfects 4 wbk-b upfn th- (liiT'tiTe crjeaus. uJ in re-tnring a biiitaifd tjsteui, cau me it confideiili V- all nffiring frv? Dyspet.aw ANvrTHtU vK THK RKPICACY Of B'KK il K-( UOLl.tNO HlTTtifcc.

tt. M. of the fM-a ofn mars "Some wecke utive. beiutr afTrt-Uil with pln ar.d uoeejoneea of ttie stctaacb. to oi appr-tlte.

and times "troutf Laptoins '-f liys-pcia, I ws need u- try your HOLLaSB BITTtSKi, nv.i 1 Iee-1 it but aa art instlce to the article, as. well as lor the good (4 tbna who may be affecb-1 witb like tleraugetnenle of tbs stomarb, to state chat tbe aj of one single bottle v-f this aif dlcine ui bandit, LafiDat ftsvd tbe lUnaa-fl rtiute art M-ii-av am i-a, -e ot Uyspapeia. 1 woui i also remark, that two other members ot tny ouizi'r, wi.o were altltc'ed In a similar maoto-r with hit a It, wre entirely relHtred by the us a siOKie bottle acavn HKADACUM RUM AN CM IN a1 NT OLKKOVMAM nai, Juu 9, lvf6 Haosas, BfcJJ. PaB. Ja A Co entlemert I Us urrat pleasure In saying tu 1 made use -f RfKRH A HOLLAND HlTTaBi which I obtained at y.urstor- ao fVmnd oe-lai reilei of a se-re ttea-lacbe, ironi which 1 had loug suffered, and I twlia-te the wvrxof e-nice f'B lu reliering tur sti'mach and bead.

Very reepectnilU, Ac, H.M'L II A BtXiC ANI OKBIMTV. Mr, ilae 3. j.t-ountK Btrmitiiehaoi, ears: "1 hae uad in Ut.KitVK'H liOI.LANO ITT' KM a ranedy kr tfaviacbe IVblllty. wife has also Uted tbe ajrcalest bfs-flt. Mr.

A Nicbei n.of Pittsburgh, atar. remarks that he has aipfrien munb relict irf'tn its tor hr-laclie. HlHt-N'tlll AN Lt HKAt.TH Kli)T4Khb. Mr. JwhB Uafilst-o, living tea Utiles above I'llUburgo, on th- PariuswlTania i anai.

sas: "Wb-n 1 oommt-notHl Uling b.X HA VlS'r HOLLAND bllTlCKJi, I ootti'i baldly walk. Mow enjoy exoniient KHKUMATIBM. AOAbEOr TliP.BK MONTHS' fTANUIN'O OURKU BIT euKKUAVK'H HOLLAND ITT Kits. Ueorgs W. lif-nder-on, of illtsburgh, says "Alter suffering tof three months with Kheitmatlsto a part of the tim st-Terly aa to confine uie to my b-d 1 have been entirety -ur Usiug BtKKH A VK'8 HOLLAND I bare had do attack "luce, butfund almost tnstantaiie'us reiief tn tbe same m.didn.

lt ta, in mi opitist'O. a sure reme-tr fir Rhnuuia'ism Tj WR-T JfRM OF PlLlfi OAS UK CL'KRD. We are at liberty to reter to s.yeral well known gentlemen, have usd, thorxngbiy tt-sted, and now reoom-u-nd gtKRllaVK'P HOLLAND BfTT KRfl as a rmdy U-r Hie. We are not at liberty publish their names, but will take pieasiura In referring any person to them who deoMw this statement, at IvXj per bottle, or 8 bottles fcr bi the -fole lropricRrra. BBNJAMIN PAG 3 a.

A Manntav-tttrihif Kbarmai-watlstM and Chemists, cor. e-mit-hrieid ad Fittsourkfa. T. W. Drott A aoua, barues A Vark, New York.

John Park. Cmcmoati. Bsrnard A iams A Con Louis. Aud by Iruggists aud Merchants generally tbroubout the Unite1 A atesaud Oana 'aa. jilAwS DUDLEY, ST0HK COMMISSI! A FURW AUUI NO MEHa'H ANTS, AO.

SKCONO STKKKT, (between Main and the River.) Lauisville, K. iiAKTICULAH attention paid to the pur-ohaee and eale of Htmi: hibaceo, Itirk. Aicnn, Lard, 'Uturt Chtvst, t-ethr witbaii klndt of fn-duee and Manutarturwl aruclBt. rimivBrwsj and umai aaaavvt made. lar we rriom if dvntc-l tbf exhibition an sat UJn.lns ('hin-nh sinii i'arlne Itraravi.a and Uostral iusuuiueuu W.

A. HicharIsoa A Hemp WnnulacV A. Buchanan A W'bnlesaleUrooers and Couimisslon Merchants, Cornwall A Wholesale uroosrs and ctar Candle Manutanurers, rVatMnsA Owsley, I'ork I'acters A Oom- uiseion Merchants, AnuRtronir Aileu, fork Iealere, Muiitn-onsry, Laags ACo- Abulaaals Or? I Pittsburgh Female Colleg-e. rHE FIRST SESSION OP THIS 1NSTI- 8 tut ton will open on Monday the let of October, unJ-r the charge of Profwsr, rt. I- VoUHTKM, A.

M. freei-ident, and a trpe of The year will be Inta two aa-aMi-ir. oftwentydwo weeks each. Tue will be not-J ft the reception ot 1'upiis. via: I'rimary, Aoadvuic.

aud aATts of tomrs rut ssniiow first Heoond 10,00 16,00 14.00 ACAMMIO PBPABTMIVT. first chww. Thlrdela-w fOurtbciaes COLLSuiATS PaFAkTMlNt, Senior class Junior ...36,00 Modern lUaTKe ui.m.u-rr.a.i A full drt'iilar, giving ntora particular Lufurmauon. will be issu-ed next wek. Application for admlM.on.

aod for further particulars, should be ma' la early to the underrnVoed. anou REV. bii-UoP SIMPtiON, IB- W. M. WK1UUT, A.

IJKAHLBY, pjjift J. AT WELL Warren Imorovea Fire and Vt aterProoi Composition Roofiajc. HAVING been for the last eleven ear6cx-staHieely engaged in the manarat'Xnre of the above rioting now muh used iu all the cities of the Union "during wb.rb time it has hero tested under evry variety of circ*mstances, and iwen improvej aud aterfecr-ed wherever eipeneuce ahowfrl that it id lie done; aud haTiogleen eaiied upon oy the 1 rniwwa Uuxiro-x-i VomiMinv to do a job in this o'ty iu laa.i,ani aaiu to cover tbe DApusnt iMpot in lSi4, (kr tw-hof whirhjohe tbey transported oar men and aiaixrial irom Phiia.liphiaTre of hare, we have ben Induced trO opu a 'jrancli of our business in thiscitr. being prepared to tiii orders any extent we ooutWntly ofr our rw.Bog to the patron-atraof the dtlseus ol Pittsburgh aod vicinity Its chtan-neas. dural'ility an" perl-ct jwocu.

auamai both Art and wVt render it the most desirable ro. fin iu use. Ths best pitch lor this rwonrjir is trom one-half to one inch i tbe foot but we etn uml-r favoraWe clrouiusUttc-ea aoolr It to a mueb greater be or nx a the for. Th having ky ton fit ol any kind cau arm them rc-cTer-td oy this method with tbe positive ertalnty of harm good tight roof. We append the location of some of our rooia.

which mar bvexauilnwd. For ws: 01 i-ilta Httaburgh. Th. abova raaj baaaeea on the fcUowlnji bmiii- lnftHiaene Depot, LlbertT utreet; Fourth WaM Public fcrTaBI3. Ubiir Maarle.

KunM'. naw.uilJIoK, rourthiOapt. U'Hara Deany. new arehooaa. Third below HIK Bell.

Herroa rnan.rj W'tartser't "iitlotTRooios. Mff U. Dwell. InH' Hearer etreet, abe Ohio; Peter Peteraon-. new Warabooa.

fa4eralirU abnva HobiBtwm. a ooraaaas CDTHBERT A 80H, ENTERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, for I thaaawaca wnrcharte -f Heal aetata. Oollaatioa ol bornwioij ami leta'HH Mf-o-ja on Boatle and Mnrtirajree. aire lor man. eal-m Manmae-turel rfuwis.

JlwUuio. and N- Market atraat. ao? UHLLIAM TATS, lumber and (loss Fitter No. li r-'brlh ttrvet. Bear Libertp, end 47'i Fenu rtraet.

aeKt "loor ta Alii. Parkinas o'euffloa, and tad aral upr-ialta Sob wart. t'rng Kuire, daacrlpucn of itlm. for Water, bu and Hteau. mr2l-M lEACHES 5 bbls Dried Peaches; anok.

At bbl. frllB- Ir.l, reed steaavr sVjata. 1 wrr.r.m "IN, Lilserty treat. I EACH POX A 1 UKS Th JL toaivartetr Isc sals bj tt. kUANK.lAN0 t.

4 PHEASANT An I 0t, lenM.louI an. Hr i Laa. l.i... if.TT.l fT'i. Kadway Keulati.

Ha- a.ara UataartkL urauar.ui 1 nruuiii lliuual faja-w liij SZTlA" a. ha at tn. Fa- LumM Utot. MX aaa. al ftas.ntaMk..

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.