Managing Editor’s Note: Today, we’re introducing you to Tom Gentile – a man who’s made millions over his career as a trader and trading educator – enough that he could have retired years ago…
But that’s not his style. And today, he’s here to share how he became “America’s Pattern Trader”… and how you can sharpen your edge as a trader, too.
Hi, my name is Tom Gentile – known to many as America’s Pattern Trader.
I’ve made millions over my career as a trader and trading educator. But I come from humble beginnings.
I grew up in a small steel town just outside Pittsburgh.
After my days as a high school track star, I went off to college.
But it wasn’t for me.
So, I dropped out. And I got a job driving a forklift and stocking shelves at what was then a local hardware store (and later became Home Depot).
Even back then, I was spotting patterns around me and turning them into profits.
For instance, I noticed the store always ran low on seasonal items – just as demand set in. So, I devised a system that automatically stocked seasonal items based on the previous year’s sales data before demand for them spiked.
Just in time for winter, my system ordered ice melt, snow shovels, snowblowers… you name it.
But as fun as it was to work projects like this, I was still working for “the man” for up to 60 hours a week.
One day, looked at my paystub and saw how little I was earning. And I decided to take control of finances and my future… and put my knack for spotting patterns to work in the markets.
From Forklift Driver to Top Trader
While driving a forklift at Home Depot, I taught myself to trade in my parents’ basement.
There was a lot of trial and error. But eventually, I began to find patterns in the market – just as I had at the hardware store.
And I didn’t just trade for myself.
I went on to start a trader education company called Optionetics with my mentor and world-renowned trader George Fontanills.
Maybe you’ve heard of us. Heck, maybe you’ve even been to one of our seminars. God knows we held them all over the world – Orlando, London, Paris, even Saudi Arabia – more than 300,000 students in all.
In 2009, I was lucky enough to sell that company to the world’s largest brokerage firm for $20 million…
I could have retired. But that’s not who I am.
Instead, I put together a team of data analysts, programmers, and actual rocket scientists from NASA and Raytheon to build sophisticated software to screen for these key trading patterns I’d been uncovering.
Over the next few years, I created dozens of tools that spot some of the most bankable patterns in the financial markets.
I began sharing them with a small group of traders. Eventually I reached an audience of more than 1 million with my market insights,
trade recommendations, and trading education.
Because no matter how much I’m worth, my mission is to educate folks on how to become profitable traders.
Whether that’s at my in-person seminars… live webinars… or in my newsletters, my call is to teach you how to profit from the patterns I see and trade every single day.
The same patterns I’ve used to rake in a fortune in the financial markets…
The kind of fortune that’s allowed me to give my family our beautiful home in Florida…
Tom’s Florida mansion
And that’s afforded me a custom-built seaside mansion in New Zealand…
His custom-built home in New Zealand
The kind of fortune that allowed me to donate $5 million to my favorite charity in a single year… and will provide for my kids and my grandkids, long after I’m gone.
I’m not saying this to brag. I’m telling you this because you can use these same patterns to move the needle on your wealth… just like I did.
And the simplest way to get started is to use a tool I created called the Money Calendar.
Schedule Profits With the Money Calendar
It’s one of the first tools I developed to spot hidden patterns in the stock market.
When I was learning how to trade, I noticed how a handful of stocks had their own seasonal patterns.
I’m not talking about seasonal patterns that everyone knows about, like “Sell in May and go away.” I’m talking about patterns that occur regularly in the best 370 U.S. stocks in… every day the markets are open.
The Money Calendar uses 10 years of historic data to spot specific windows – usually 35 days or less – when certain stocks move up or down.
What I’m looking for is a bullish or bearish pattern that repeats over the same windows 90% of the time (nine out of the last 10 years).
For example, let’s take a look at Tesla (TSLA)…
The bars on the chart below show the percentage returns each year during this window.
As you can see, TSLA has a bullish pattern that begins on May 12 and runs through June 20. It’s happened 9 of the past 10 years…
Using the Money Calendar, you could have placed a trade this year that delivered a 60% profit over 40 days.
The Money Calendar delivers dozens, even hundreds of these patterns every day the markets are open.
Then I whittle them down to find the best trades every week for my subscribers.
Let me show you another…
What if you knew that in nine out of the last 10 years AI chipmaker Nvidia (NVDA) rallied between January 11 and February 16?
Would that give you an edge?
Anyone who bought shares on NVDA on January 11 and held them through February 16 would have made 32%.
Over the last two decades, the average yearly return for NVDA is 32%. So, this trade delivered a year’s worth of profits in about a month.
Here’s one more example…
Microsoft (MSFT) showed up on my Money Calendar with a bullish pattern starting October 3 through November 10.
If you’d had access to the Money Calendar, you could have placed a trade that would have delivered a 20% profit in MSFT in 38 days.
And this is just one of dozens of tools I’ve created to spot hidden patterns in the market.
In my e-letter, Patterns & Profits, I share these patterns with readers like you – for free – five days.
Free Trading Resources
Have you checked out Jeff’s free trading resources on his website? It contains a selection of special reports, training videos, and a full trading glossary to help kickstart your trading career – at zero cost to you. Just click here to check it out.
I also talk specifics about the tactics and strategies I’ve developed over more than three decades of trading – including the expensive lessons I learned the hard way (so you don’t have to).
And I share the systems I’ve used to rack up win after win for my subscribers over the years.
Every now and then, I even share an actionable trade recommendation.
So, if you want to sharpen your edge as a trader, I hope you’ll join me at Patterns & Profits. You can sign up right here.
Tom Gentile
Editor, Patterns & Profits
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