HOTELS, HOLIDAY RESORTS FLINDERS (Seaside). -The Home, links. under And management. cleanliness assured. hot situated on good meals Personally directed by Mr.
baths, Mrs. sowered. Bernard P. Martin, Phone 16. and For ring Golden Age GEELONG (Seaside).
1504. Two min. beach. Hotel. Woodstock.
HEALESVILLE Tennis. H.W.: 2 ms. A Phone 153. Alis. Christman.
A FERNS -Tennis. Phone billiards, 155. pr. gos. Wonderful Holiday in the Mrs.
Monkenzie. Heart of dancing, the Dividing rambling in the hills: Range: riding. swimming. specialty cooking of our clotted farm cream produce. and ville 142.
or write own Healesville. Tarif, No Wortley'8. Xmas Vacancies. C2: all vacancies. modern conva.
BE Phone 142. No Xmas homely: vacs. R. Kitching. Tel.
billiards. 169. now. Sept. and Oct, I Write for to der.
or phone 151. Mrs. Essex. From Oct. 2.
Phone 37. HOMELY Bank. or home, ship; RADLEY vacs. private Mr. McNell, good position.
all Mrs. D. under new management. Tel. 156.
-Hornelv. tennis. billiards Ablett. farm prod: central. Mrs.
Cameron. 209. for Healesville and THE SANCTUARY leave R.S, LILLYWerk DALE Days, from 10 trains a.m. dep. and 3.52 p.m..
Plinders-st. 10.10 a.m. and 1.35. 1.50 and 6.38 days, Sundays. 9.15 8.10..
p.m.. 6.30 p.m.; Margaret's. -Good table, Mrs. all Brown. ST.
weeks ends. Tel. 66. INVERLOCH (Seaside). TWO First class spacious produce, rooms, no vacancies Xmas.
Phone 1. excellent cuisine, own LAKES ENTRANCE (Seaside). All Caretairs. Waverley, -Selfcontained min. P.O..
sewered, main H. and whart, water, shopping showers, centre. Phone 52, Lakes Entranec No vacancies Xmas, 3 ideal nome, beaut. surroundKALORAMA (Country). tennis, billiards, excel.
cuisine, H.W.S.: lovely walks. Enjoy rest at the lovely vacancies mountain Xmas. resort. Mrs. J.
New Rowan. management. Kalorama 1. LORNE (Seaside). TURN.
Land for Sale. to Phone Let. 64. Howell, agent. Houses except Christmas: MARYSVILLE (Country).
-Open for Booking, Excellent Accom. and men la; tariff 3. Apply by letter. Mrs. Cath.
Anderson. Xmas bookings Coaches now closed. leave Lilisdale R.S. ROCHE'S Marysville. Buxton.
Alexandra and Thornton, Connecting Trains Leaving Flinders-street. Time tables, fares bookings, Marysville Bureau. Empire-arcade, 222. 6837. 268 op.
Enjoy your holidays on station. Ph. C. 200 acres of playground. Ashing, shootIng, riding, tennis, dancing: abundance E.L..
milk and cream: afternoon tea and supper. H.W.S.. sew. Phone Buxton 1. MENTONE (Seaside).
ENTONE Lodge, Ideal Situation. Excel. tariff mod. No Xmas Chelt. 224.
MILDURA (Country). GRAND HOTEL, the Most M' Com. and Modern Hotel on Murray. R.A.C.V. ana C.T.A.
house. Tel. 4. MONTROSE REST Gliest House. rain to Crovdon.
Mt. Dandenong bus passes door No. vacs. from Dec. 21 till Jan.
7. Croydon 201. MORDIALLOC (Seaside), TOR Holidays. Booking Rcoms, Flats, now and after Xmas. Apply 30 Centreray, Saturday afternoon.
Canna child Austerity. require accom. Gould'8 fortnight Agency. Hawthorn. CEANIC House.
-Book closed Jan. 31. P. Wakefeld. Mordialloc 207 MOUNT MACEDON (Country).
LD Government Cottage for that recuperating holiday. Ring Mt. Macedon THE Bungalow. -Phone Mt. Macedon for reservations; excellent cuisine; new management.
Mrs. Johnson (late of Clovelly, Sassafras). OCEAN GROVE (Seaside). (ATH-KIN -Now open. immediate mod.
fully booked Xmas. Phone Barwon Heads. 56. OLINDA (Country). Dell.
-Holidays for health, excel. cuisine: no vAc. Xmas. Mrs. Brann.
Tel. URN. Olinda House 19. to Phil Let, Moore. all conv.
Phone -Bray Lodge, tennis, hacks, croquet, hot water to rs. Tel. Olinda 11. QUEENSCLIFF (Seaside), Alvie. -Open Nov.
for season: no vacs. Xmas. Stamped envelopes reply. Mrs. M.
G. Fraser class table. good accom. golf. fishing.
bowls. all sports. Phone 1. ROSEBUD (Seaside), Flats, Bungalows, dancing. tenms.
Ashing. hot baths and showers. sewered: full Xmas to Feb. 3. Send for booklet.
Accom. 250. OTUS op. Beach. -New turn.
Bungalows, running water and E.L. every room, hot water service. tennis. fishing: ring adults, Rosebud 22 6: 234. children.
Xmas to Jan. wkly. 29 Write or UP. new modern furn. Home, beach every avaal.
Oct. 10. WA3498. Taken Xmas. SAN REMO Seaside).
SURFING, Fishing. -Spend your Holidays at Keam's Camping Park. Auto Cabin and Bungalow. J. D.
Keam, FU1500; after hrs F3238. Fully booked for Xmas. SILVAN (Country). THE Maples, homely holiday in the hills, lovely views and walks, farm produce No vac. Xmas.
Phone Silvan 21. Mrs. N. Rex, proprietress. SORRENTO (Seaside).
Open for Visitors No vacancies from Dec. 22 to Jan. 22. H. S.
Sharpe. prop, Phone Sorrento 1. BACKS for Beach November: Palace, no Sorrento. vacancies -Booking for Xmas. Write or phone Sorrento 18.
DOUBLE Bedroom, diningroom, use of Nov. suit friends or M.C. Mrs. B. James, Sorrento.
VISTA. -Book Now. Excellent links, tennis, magnincent walks. H. and C.
water. No vac. Xmas or Jan. Geo. Tsindos.
Sorr. 69. good ESTELLA table: -Open for Xmas. -Vacancies Visitors, Tel. 19.
now ballroom, till A WE Dec. 19. excellent cuisine, hot water service, abundance of fresh cream and Ash. A home from home. Week end catered for.
A. E. Brewer. Phone Sorrento 22. THE BASIN.
Via BAYSWATER (Country). BEAUTIFUL for Ferndale Bookings. Guest Bayswater House 35. R.S. Boronia.
WARBURTON (Country). Lawrence Guest House has Vacancies Oct. and Nov. Phone Warburton 57. Service Cars connect electric trains at Lillydale direct guest houses.
Book Whight's. 120 Flinders-street. 8974 Booked Seats will be reserved. WESBURN (Country). DOUBLE and S.
tar. £2 Mrs. K. Alderson. Mt.
View. Wesburn. VOODEND comfortable, right in main street. Peskett's. Ph.
21. WOODEND (Country). Mackenzie Golf House, op. links, tennis, riding. Oct.
vacs. Tel. MISCELLANEOUS. A.A.-Wanted a quiet place, by sea oF country, by sister, for Xmas. Apply 122.
Age. A farm. Write Miss wanted M. for 2 Branaid, girls 79 on Turner Abbotsford. FURN.
House or Flat. close to beach, Mornington, Geelong or Torquay, for 9 days from Dec. 2, M.C. Reply F.D., 358 N. Caulfleld.
A HOUSE. to bet. accom. Frankston 6, from and Dec. 24.
Sorrento for pref. Ring WA1625 on Sunday, or write 5 Hawthorn. -Bright furn. single use con Vacant for holidays, 3 mins. bus beach.
4 Helm-st. A UTHOR. tenants. artist, require wife, fum. small Cottage.
family, Apollo good Bay district, 6 months or more, from end October. A.4.6. Age. YOUNG private couple. Accom.
Xmas. guest house or home, beach preferred. Write A.A.. ARe. Guest offering sup.
OR House, Yea. Well appointed newly Yea 31. BITTERN. stn. Apply S.
Fry, Elstan. now Pt. No Moorabbin, op. Gilbey's. from mother 27.
and daughter (adults). ton Dec. for a fortnight. Warburor Healesville. State tariff.
G.E.. Nelson Ringwood. BOARD and Residence wanted, Bavside. M.C. December 23-January 2.
Terms, Vale. 11 Vine-st. Moonee Ponds. furn. House.
in country, wanted Preston. Xmas. Terms to 22 E. with owner seaside House. month and ocl.
week ends for 1, Belgrave. good position. Mrs. Hurst, Flat 3. Denham Court, Hawthorn, EXCHANGE furn.
for House. Flat. any Parkdale, suburb. for G95 Age. Shack.
Port Albert district, accom. 2, use rowboat, motor bont for hire. Write MX. Age, -Vac, now. turn.
House, not Flemington. Xmas. Mrs. Chapman, 44 TURN. House, vacant now until Christmas end after Feb.
8. accom. 7. Miss Nihill, Dromana P.O. FURNISHED country House or wanted, beach, 2 Dec, adults.
22 45 to N. Fitzroy. J4819. House clean, E. let Xmas.
79 Westgarth. TURN. House now and Xmas. nocom. 3 (The Basin).
6 Preston. TURN. Flat, Sandringham vac. now. not Xmas or later station and beach.
Age. House, Mt. Evelyn, min. shops; Caulfeld. TURN.
vacant Flat, self Phone 134 E.L.: not Xmas. Heales ville. DURN. Flat. seaside suburb, business couple.
Xmas, Age Office, TURN. House, at beach, accom. 2 adulte weeks, immediate. Ring WF7972. DURN.
House Rooms. any suburban beach. 501 Centre-14. Bentleigh. ENT.
requires Accom. 3 weeks' holiday. commencing Nov. 6. Sandringham, Black Rock, OLIDAY Beaumaris.
provided. 7369. 2-3 Age. weeks, anyone assist arrange seaside house for SCAsOn. splendid time guaranteed, start 10 days hence.
Reply immediately, Ocean. ARe wanted. Frankston. Island month preferred. from accommodate 8 people, period early January possible: will pay renta' to 16 Ens.
per week for suitable house. 04746. write McCarthy, 7 Glen Iris. TOUSE, 2 to accommodate 5. from Nov.
T.X.. for weeks. seaside of country Age. nccom. 7 people 2 wks Christmas.
Beaumaris or Mentone, Mr N.10, Smith. 11A Brunswick. HOURS. Flat wanted. 1, 60 seaside.
accom. 6, 2, Rippon wks. Len. bet. Carrum.
3 weeks, Xmas vacation, accom. 6. Rob. ARE. 9-23.
ALORAMA -CI. mag. view, Deo. ADY Feb. 3.
Monday, Win. 7456. week, wants Bd, 133 quiet home in hills, one Prahran. East MARRIED couple wants fortnight. furn.
Ashing. House, Fiat Ing. 64 Ascot Vale. MI. Martha, -House accom.
wanted 8. for Hinton. month 72 of Jan mod. madale. 09115.
ICE write. Country Home, farm prod ice. Ring or Hawes, 21B Wincheisen, DART wanted House, furn. use kitchen, weeks DRIVATE UL1809 or Raynor. Age.
mother. children. Christmas. Home lady. country.
DHILLIP Island. 4-r. Jones Turn, Age Cottage, Omce. nr. Apply.
Ocean Beach, to Let; booked Xmas. Bradley, Cower. RENT. Flat Frankston of House, line, or 2 Dec. 23 Bedrooms, to Jan.
Phone din'room, near beach, care taken clean. Carrum 5 to Frankston, CotJan. 5. Letter only Holiday. adulta, Dec, Pollard 22 to News Agency.
2 Cauineld Enai. night durine bedrooms January, use of kitchen. Winds 7366. near beach. Rink gArage, Hmuse.
tin' Dec. beds. clean. now 19: taken Phillis, A 1 HOTELS, HOLIDAY RESORTS MISCELLANEOUS. Drake.
MEDICAL Xmas full. Duncon Miss Gucel House, op. Bcoll. Tel. 246.
Furn. shops, small bish Cottage. transport. before Dec. 43 pos.
Relax. Are. House, and dan. furn. accom 6.
min. Apply maris. week 6.10. ends. Wyatt.
Beige 6. E.L.. Dromana, water. House, mins, facing beach, Xmas- March. 99 B'wick.
shops, cads and holidays; giris. share room. week week. Mr. Drowitt, Martin- £8 Belgrave.
37 day ACANT. Xmas accom. beach and station; inspect weeK end. Turn. Flat.
booked suit 3 Xmas, or adults. doors beach; 5 Cordon. Black Rock. ACANT. now until Dec.
16. turn. all facing bench. 49 Pt. bealoid.
Dec. AU. In the hills. 20. Mrs.
turn. Lapthorne, Holiday Houses, 7 ANTED. beach side, House. Necom. Mordialice of Oat rum.
Feb. for Jan. Littieneld. or 22 ote N. month.
Mr. Halwyn. WL 1225. Edith Vale, House, adults between carrum and from Jan. 6 10 20.
Thornbury. Reply, R. Burns, 120 and 3 children. furn. one Flat, month.
House or for from Oct. Write or phone H. Carter, Acheron. number. Acheron P.O.
Henlesville line. Mre. Clark. on 47 Belgrate a to House, Jan. to 6.
accom. 10. from Footscray. and turn. House.
between Prank. ston Mornington, last 2 February. L. Eastman. Paxm PW4592.
WANTED. turn. Apollo large Flat Bar. House, middle January. Reply X.Y.Z..
Callanas'3 News Agents. M. Brighton. ANTED. by M.C..
Room. USA kitchen, beach or country. Xmas Mrs. Rothsay, 43 E.6. ANTED to Bedroom Let.
at Rosebud. very nice double and use of kitchen. from now until Xmas. clean and wire Mrs. Kendall.
Znd Avenue, Rosebud. ANTED, furn, House or Accom. beach. Frankston line, for 2 adults and childien. from Dec.
4 to 18. Fullest uculars. E.W.B., Age. modern district. Home, Xmas 011 beach tront, Elwood 6 weeks, family, acc m.
5. Ring FW8423 Monday, Trerday. ANTED, Boronia, near 1. station, clesa Cottage, 3 adults, week Xmas, Graham N. Agency, 211 Port Melb.
ANTED. House, Rosebud or from Nov. 13 to Dec. 2. 430 A.M., Harris, news agent.
Glen Hunt. Cau field ANTED, turn. House, for fortnight Xmas. accom 6. beach or country.
Mrs. Edmunds, 19 W. Foots. cray. W.12.
3 adults, fortnight, from Dec. 26, seaside or country. LE6754. WA 'ANTED, Home, for bet. 3 Brighton comf.
and turn. bright any time bet. December to February, JX2000. Xmas, fortnight, It A. Williams.
seaside. Queenselif! Sorreste pref. 22 N. PittJW4148. ANTED.
comf. furn. House Dr beach front to Frankston, 22, adult. good care property. Dec.
fortniest UL4494. ANTED, seaside House, between Dre mana and city. accommodate from 3rd week in February. for 1 month' Ring 620. WANTED furn.
House, for 1 sewered month. ares. Rig FW8889. ANTED. seaside House between Dromass and city.
accom. 7. from 3rd February for 1 month. Ring Haw. 620.
seaside Holiday Home to com. 50 miles for late November. early December. JX2352. ANTED.
double R. and use ladies, Dec. 23 to Jan. 6: close beach. Reply Miss Mangan, 111 Rich.
by naval officer and wite, children. small Cottage, seaside resort, wks. from middle Dec. Mrs. Clarke, Fat 12, 35 Bromby-st, S.
Yarra, ANTED. At Lorne. Xmas fortnight, House or Flat. 2 M.C.k, 2 children. Particulars.
Barry, Age. ANTED. turn. House, any seaside sort. Xmas fortnight, 129 The Parade, Ascot Vale.
ANTED. or seaside Dec. or 23 hills. to small House 4. Jan, 1, Rus.
sell. 34 N. Carlton. furn. House.
Frankston line, accom. 6. Xmas fortnight. Ring Hav. 1604.
Xmas. at beach, House Flat. 2 married coupics. 106 EdwardE. Brunswick.
FW6236. ANTED. Sorrento, adults and 2 children, and 13. from Jan. 14-28.
37 W. Footscray unturn. House. 3 or 4 couple planning to marry XeM. V201.560.
Age Office. WANTED. House, Kalorama in preferred. hills, 17 accom. Grace Mounee Ponds.
small furn. Cottage, at Fen Tree Gully, for 2 weeks, end of Nor. Miller, 130 Port Melb. House or Rooms, for 5, XeM fortnight, at nearby beach, Mrs. Pate tield.
79 Kew. WANTED: 8 furn adults. House. Fern Xmas Tree fortnitt, wards. or Olinda, 90 Yarratick.
WAN beach. House. between clean. Mordialloc to and accom. rum.
Mrs. Wyatt, Pakenham TANTED. 2 weeks, Januats, small furt. Cottage, In country, 78 Eiwcod. House seaside, country, accom 2 adults.
children. for 10 dago. ccmm. Dec. 10.
furn. K.2. House, Age. 5 adults, ANTED. Frankston line.
Mia. E. Wilson. 47 Fitzroy, furn. House, 6 adults.
10 da Xmas. R. Burns, 23 Hill. Bed and Board, Xmas, for night. divate, farm.
own linen Write E.B.. 0 Mentone News Agent. small House. hills, Xmas. Withers, 133A Melb.
WANTED from Accom. Dec. for 22, mother vicinity and 2 Hampton. chiBickley, 111 E. Melb.
Belgrave, lady. house or private, from Dec. 21, fortnight. A.K.. Age.
WANTED small Cowes. House Queenscliff or Bungalow, Nor. 6 to Nov. 20. 38 S.
Yarra. ANTED. furn. House, at Lorne, accom. 4, 2 weeks from Nov.
22. N.J.S.. Webb. Windsor. WANTED.
6, clean, Dec. furn. 24. House, fortnight. close beach 18 Essendon.
on beach. House, com. 6-8. Jan. Feb.
weeks. Balwyn. WF 7859, House. Xmas fortnight, 6. Belgrave or Frankston dist.
FC364. WANTED. seaside, for from 2 Jan. adults, 2 to A.I.D., Age. ANTED, furn.
House, suit 6. Black Rock. weeks from 4. T.T.. 17 Moonee ANTED.
turn. House, bet. Carrum Frankston, accom. 6, Xmas, 2 week! I.N.D.. 9 Preston.
ANTED by M.C.. small House or Flat hills. Xmes fortnight. T.F.C.. 11 cece-st.
Kew WANTED House. Upwey or 2 near. weeks. FU798S, January. House, Chelsea, acc.
6. Dec. to 16. 39 Moonee Ponds ANTED by M.C.. Daylesford.
furs House. Oct. 20 to Nov. 3, W.E.. ANTED, scaside House.
Xmas fortniakt acc. 4. LF6205. 'ANTED adults, Xmas 13 Thornbury. ANTED.
House, beach. accom. Xmas, to £10 wk. YE Flats to Let, E.L, sewered. all rent L4 week until Xmas.
Bird. Phone 1 Wye River. INTER SYDNEY. T. MANSION HOUSE PRIVATE HOTEL Elizabeth and Goulburn Sydner, near Central Railway Stn.
Phone MA6921. Single Rooms. from night; Double Rooms, water. from Write night. for tariff Every room card.
hot cold MEETINGS AND LECTURES A A.A SUN. 8 p.m.; DIANA DEIMEL, 2.30 17 (women), and 8 p.m. TO-DAY, 3AK. 1 p.m..
3XY. Watch Lax Notices and this column In daily papers for of appeal. Health, Atheneum, A 8 p.m. Double Feature: Guert Mrs. Norman Welsh.
State President. C.W.A.. "How It Works and What also F. G. Roberts to Answer Health Questions.
A. -Basil Hayler will Lecture on fused Re-Education and Perfect Health 187 8 p.m.. Oct. 20. Silver collection for Blinded Soldiers Fund.
A at 8, J. Socialist A. Forus, Temperance. Hall. Russell-st.
Campaign, Temper ance Hall. Sunday, 7.30 p.m.. debate NT1-CONSCRIPTION Mr. Dawson. Mr.
McKellar, Socialism Social Credit -TO-NIGHT, 8. V.F. 109 FlindersA lane. -Reason and Religion, by Khsap. Comments by Mr.
D. Nicholson. Opening a new held. Keep up with times, Open cussion. Visitors welcome.
A ture, WORLD by Miss Within A. A Lambrick, World, at public 182 7.15 p.m. All welcome. DEIMEL, To-night. 8 Society.
Mr. J. S. 17 Marriage and ley, "When They Cry for Peace Kelvin Hall, 55 Sunday, 7 30 p.m. DEOPLE'S PARLIAMENT- Of the Thursday, People p.m..
for the Education Subject, Reception Room 2nd floor. Assembly Hall. Collins-st, Society, Room 02. To-night, Floor, 8. Railway Subject: -buildings, International Money Flinders After the War, by Mr.
A. G. Adams. Questions and Discussion. Public Welcome.
DEYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS Furze-Morrish. OF COLOR. Sunday. Lecture 115 p.m. ADIANT.
T.S. Health Lecture, Club. Hall, 174 187 Collins-stMeeting on Wednesday, Oct. Henham. 18.
8 p.m. Speaker. Mr. Richard Subject: Nutritional Education and Reseated. Illustrated.
Club, 2nd Floor. RADIANT. speaker. Henhom. 09 LITTLE -Sunday Speaker.
Stuart Mr. E. Morrison. Gell. 6,30: 5.15: Mr.
for 100 up 3 p.m. Supply COTTON WOOL: BANDAGES A. tion -ECZEMA. and Scalp PSORIASIS. Aliments Completer Face Ex-Ma Up.
National Estab Skin Institute. 165 41 Cleared 50 years. Consult street, Visits Bendigo, Friday, Oct. 20, the Shamrock Hotel. failed.
Formula. Sacred Alopecia. Eastern Leading broad. caster's hair growing after years of BALD PATCHES. a ---Hair Oils.
by Secret Nest ness. gratefully Names testify. given No faked letters of testie leading citizens soldiers tree. Mr. montals.
Destitute EASTON, 178 Barkly-street, ST, KILDA. and Keep Regain Your Ficutt. Advice Free. LA3296. Try Herbal Tablets Res.
month' Herbalist, FURRY R. V. Phillips, DITS and Epilepsy. Newspaper Wonder" House. Remedy contains no bromide or potash or hame ful hundreds of persons particulars greatly, ed: testimonials and full MERSON PTY 243 B.
GOON, Visits 128 Herbalist, Exhibition 3 Mei, Oct. 25 to Nov. MA In MEDICAL Complainta of Both INSTITUTE Sexes. Advice and Medicine, 518 Hours: Day 2-3: Nights, 7-8. EURITIS.
RHEUMATISM, P1000. SCIATICA paina are distressing relieved and the frat all Bette dose of BRINBMEAD'S NEURITIS POW DER9. Take course of these powders and be tree from pain. Post free, 370. boT; Giant times quantity).
JAN Br VERBECK chemist, Electric 204 Rejuvenator for war St. Kid. good batteries, Instructions complete OPEN WOVE. Forms And particulars NO: tainable at above address. Telephone MU6571, THE AGE.
Flats or Houses WHAT THE PEOPLE WE men have head letters women from in THINKthe city and the country, from business women and mothers and householders, from flat-dwellers and from architects on this controversial question of "Flats or Houses which was discussed in our columns last Saturday. Some of our readers say yes and some say no to flats. Some say no and some say yes to houses. But whatever their opinions, there is an almost unanimous view that whatever we build should be grouped around a community centre recreational facilities within It is impossible to publish even small extracts from all the munications. Here, however, are some typical examples to indicate how much thought being given to homes for Australians.
Mrs. Alison Noonan, of Essendon, agree with everything in Mrs. Howell's letter published in your columns last Saturday, about the advantages of flats, both from an point of view-when one considers the lack of artistic planning in the present suburban landscape--and from the point of view of help to the housewife. "It seems to me that a home should be more than a mere shelter, a place with the maximum of comfort and minimum of work. Besides comfort, there should be culture, recreation and the exchange of ideas.
For this reason, I should like to see large blocks of flats equipped with all the modern conveniences, built up around large, well planned and well equipped community centres. Home life would be enriched and developed by havingclose to the home and part of the community life--cultural facilities in which each member of the family could find something that interested him. "How many boys and girls could be saved from delinquency by such advantages, rather than being driven to seek their amusem*nt on the street corners or in dubious 'fun parlors' and such places "I feel that the suburban home tends to isolate the family and creates, rather than solves, social problems by having so little to offer young people. I feel sure that 1 in the future, community centres will considered as home, or a bath- these necessary as running Water, in the were not always considered essential. "While people of vision and enterprise are already trying to promote these projects, it would be a wonderful thing if the real rulers of the homes of Australia-the women-were to awake to their possibilities.
Women would benefit from them more that men in the added help with their children and closer social life. Men already have some social intercourse at While not agreeing entirely about the advantage of flats, Mrs. S. Johnstone, of Brunswick, favors community life. She says: have lived in the country most of my life, so thought would be able to point out one or two particulars.
With all the which will provide social and eay access. convenlences of our homes, the country people, that I dwelt amongst, including myself, suffered dreadfully from loneliness and want of small community gatherings. People need to meet to continually be educating themselves and each other. There is need of community life of the right sort. In the country, I think houses good, they can have ground around them, but in the town there could be pretty, breezy little flats, put it is the way We have answered by correspondence various queries by our readers about Home and Furnishing problems.
The question and the diffculties of carrying out essential furnishing under wartime restrictions is bothering a number of people. Next week in our Saturday's columns we will try and help with a special article. Address any queries or opinions on the Home and Furnishing to the Editoress, "The Age," Collins-street. they are built which would make for the content and pleasure of living in Mrs. N.
Middleton includes a plan of a community square with her letter. She says: 'May I suggest community square containing a fine imposing building in the centre facing the four streets with beautiful entrances in curving sweeps. The corners This house was designed by the American architect Frank Lloyd Wright, who is one of the men who has blazed a new path in architecture. Notice the way the house blends with its surroundings. ber of private houses, single or two-storled.
The central building could be many-storied and imposing. containing flats, community diningrooms, kindergarten creche, kitchens, laundries, libraries and some single rooms. The interior ground to be laid out in beautiful gardens, with gymnasiums, tennis courts and playgrounds. These community settlements could be run by the Government or private enterprise. All community gardens could be kept by gardeners, whilst the private yards could be looked after by individuals.
Thus you of the square could have a num- ANSWER TO CRITICISMS ON MILK SUPPLY Premier Minister Reply to Manufacturing Engineer The Premier (Mr. Dunstan), answering criticism of the milk supply report yesterday, said that the recommendations of the State Milk Pasteurisation Committee would be further considered by the State Cabinet on Monday. The legislation ensuring a pure milk supply for Melbourne would substantially contribute to the health of the community, said Mr. Dunstan. Replying to objections by Mr.
D. Scott, a manufacturing engineer, that the report was the work of a committee of civil servants, and was no contribution to maintenance of the purity of Melbourne's milk supply, Mr. Dunstan, retorted that whoever composed the committee someone would be sure to object. The committee was an expert one in every way, and its recommendations had been well received. The report was of a practical nature and showed that the committee had done its work thoroughly.
Minister's Views Replying to Mr. Scott's criticism, the Minister for Agriculture (Mr. Martin) said that Mr. Scott's view that pasteurisation of Melbourne's milk supply could have been brought about by a bill setting up standards of pasteurisation, leaving the task of existing organisations to carry out. was quite unsound.
The facts were that the Government was forced to enact A measure requiring compulsory STUD CATTLE SALES Aberdeen Angus up to 230 Gns. Stud beef and dairy cattle auctions conducted yesterday by Goldsbrough, Mort and Co. Ltd. realised up to 230 guineas for Aberdeen Angus bulls. Competition for Herefords and beef Shorthorns, however.
was considered relatively disappointing. The 230-guinea bull WAS one sold on Account of Kahlua Pastoral Co. (N.S.W.) in A group which maintained a good average, with sales of 200. 100 and 145. in addition to the 230 guineas.
There WAS comparatively good competition for the dairy Shorthorn bulls. A group sold on account of W. K. Atkinson, of Willow averaged about 100 each with A top price of 140 gAs. conference of Commissioners of Police, which ended in Adelaide to-day, It WAS unanimously agreed that after the war the Australian police forces should adopt air transport to assist in combating crime, and that the police should own their own planes.
Air Transport for Police ADELAIDE, a THE AGE. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 14. 1944 youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
A. Alexander, of Power-street, Hawthorn. ta A.D. L.ce Murphy. younger son of L.A.C, and Mra.
Murphy. Hobart, Tasmania, BATT- Mr. and Mrs. PhilipBatt. of Claremont-crescent.
Canterbury, have pleasure in announcing the Engagement of their daughter. Myrtle Edith. to Lieut. Edwin Major Griff son of Mrs. A.
Griff. of 9 The Avenue. Oakleigh. and of the late Mr. Edwin Griff.
Jean, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Beattie, of Bell -street.
Pascoe Vale. to Ronald Victor (A.M.F.), third son of Mrs. M. A. Purchase and the late Mr.
F. O. of Dayedale. Ellen. eldest dauzhter of Mr.
and Mrs. W. Brazil, Beaconsfeld-parade. Northeote, 10 Col. Charles Robert O'Connell (A.I.F returned).
son of Mr. and Mrs. M. O'Connell. Thornburs.
Veronica Margaret, only daughter of Mrs. N. Burke. Moonee Ponds, and the late Mr. M.
P. Burke, to John Herbert, third son of Mr. and Mra. H. Evans.
Glen Iris. The engagement is announced between Thersa Madeline (Tess) Carroll, youngest daughter Li Mrs. Carroll. 130 Coppin-street. Richmond, and the late Mr.
Carroll. of Rathdowney, Queen's county. Ireland, and Ronald ford (A.I.P.), eldest son of Mrs. Kingstord, 21 Leonard -street. Northcote.
CLARE Mary Teresa, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Clare.
of 38 Lynch -street. to Cpl. Bryan John (A.I.F.), elder son of Mr. and Mrs. J.
D. Kelleher. of 34 LockhartCRAIG-WESTCOTT. Yvonne. only street.
Caulfield. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. G.
Craig, Belmont-avenue, Glen Iris, to Petty Officer Kenneth Joseph (R.A.N.), younger son of Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Westcott.
Sackvillestreet. Kew. est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Davis, Jackson-street.
Richmond. to Pte. Albert John (Mick. A.I.F.), youngest son of Mrs. Nicholls and the late Mr.
E. Nicholls, Rosney-street. Hawthorn. DRUEBY-ENGLAND. Isabel, second daughter of Mrs.
and the late J. H. Druery, 340 Gilbert-road. West Preston, to well Reid England (R.A.A.P., second cf Major and Mrs. H.
L. England. Mount Gambler, South Australia. EKBERG- The engagement 18 announced of Gwenda Evelyn, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
V. T. Ekberg, 33 Patterson-street. Middle Park, to Sydney Alfred, twin son of Mr. and Mrs.
A. G. Bysouth, Linton-street, Ivanhoe. -Talma Studio Miss Joyce Grose, who will be married to Lance Bombardier Ronald Miller at the res byterian Church, Brunswick, this Miss Shirley Batt, who will be married to Mr. Desmond Hartley at Christ Church, St.
Kilda, late this afternoon. -Norton Trevaire Miss Dorothea Francis, who will be married at the Church of Christ, el. bourne, this afternoon, to Mr. Kenneth Bartlett (R.A.A.F.). -Edwin Adamson Miss Joyce Bale, whose marriage to Mr.
Jack Letty will be celebrated at St. Andrew's Church, Box Hill, this afternoon. FITZPATRICK KELLY. Kathicen, youngest daughter Mrs. D.
Fitzpatrick and late Mr. D. Fitzpatrick. of 290 Victoria-street. Brunswick.
and Kenneth Charles Kelly (A.I.F.). eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Kelly, 97 Mitchell-street, Brunswick. Neville. second daughter of Mrs. Motion Gilleaple, of 18 Park-crescent. Bentleigh, 10 L.A,C.
Frank Charles (R.A.F.). eider son of Mr. and Mrs. F. of Bitmingham.
daughter of Mr. And Mrs. L. J. Hankinson.
Ballina. New South Wales, Gnr. Leon. son of Mr. and late Mrs.
E. O'Hanlon (A.I.F., returned). Clifton Victoria. HELLINGS-NICOL. Edith Bessie, second daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Hellings. Belmont -street. West Preston. to L.A.C.
Lewis Hayward Nicol (R.A.A.F.. returned). onlv son of W.O. (A.I.F.) and Cpl. Nicol (A.W.A.S.).
Queensland. Jean. only child of Mr. And Mrs. R.
Kennedy. Woornack-road. Carnegie. to Clyde H. (R.A.A.F.) youngest son of the late Mr.
Nye and of Mrs. Nye. Notting Hill. and Mrs. R.
A McCaw. of 25 Alma-road. Mt. Lawles, have much pleasure in announcing the engagement of their eldest daughter, Norma, to Driver Frank Lester (A.I.F.). youngest son Mrs.
and the late Mr. R. W. Lester. of 354 Station-street.
North Carlton. Melbourne. Victoria. Madge. second daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. G. H. McLachinn. of 1111 Howitt-strect.
Ballarat. to Sat. Lawrence William Scott, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. A.
T. Scott. of 18 Charles-street. Elsternwick. MUIR- Margaret therd tester, A.W.L.A.), eldest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Muir. 59 Broughton-road.
Surrey Hills. to Albert (ret. A.I.F.). only son of Mr. and Mrs.
H. S. Gates. Meadowlands. Glengarry.
Vic. Elleen only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Murray.
51 Rosamond-street. Balaclava, to John william (U.S. Navy). third son of Mr. and Mrs.
C. W. Kibble. Maryland, U.S.A. We are showing two pictures of American housing to-day.
This one is typical of the small type of house seen in the eastern and northern States of U.S. It is charming in design, in use of material and in its white color. with grey roofing. TO CONTINUE HER CAREER Miss Eunice Gardiner, the brilliant Australian pianist, who will give recitals at the Assembly Hall to-night and on Thursday next, and at Ballarat on Monday, will soon realise one of her ambitions when, in December, she leaves for the United to continue her career. It will be remembered that Miss Gardiner's playing impressed Mr.
Eugene Ormandy he was here, and it is on his recommendation that she is going to America sooner than she intended -it was one of the plans she and her husband had made for after the war. In New York she will study under Madame Samiroff Stokowski, and at the same time will give concerts. She expects to be away for six or eight months. TOY COMPETITION Prizes are offered by the 8th Division Auxiliary for eight different types of toys in a toymaking competition to be held for funds. Exhibits will be shown in the Myer Mural Hall, beginning Octoner 23 for one week.
Entries. which close next Saturday, may be made by amateurs only, and include a motor vehicle, yacht, engine, aeroplane, various types of dolls and toys. Size is limited to 24 inches. KEYS TO RAISE FUNDS Out of 20,000 keys which have been given to the Lady Mayoress (Mrs. B.
Campbell) for funds for Paddy's Market only two will open a particular padlock. These keys will be sold at each at the Town Hall from October 25. When all the keys are sold the padlock will be placed in a central position in the city, and possessors of keys will try the lock until the ones which open it are found. There. will be two valuable prizes for the holders of these keys.
Stanley-Westbrook St. James's Old Cathedral was the setting yesterday afternoon of the wedding of Sister Beryl Westbrook. of Bridport. Tasmania, and Mr. A.
B. Stanley, of Coburg. The bride is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J.
Westbrook. of Tasmania. The Rev. L. J.
Watt officiated. Married in Brisbane Louisiana University. Approaching Marriage St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Brisbane, WAS the setting for the marriage of Nancy, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
D. S. Colville. Malvern. with First-Lieut Jack A.
Walker (U.S. Army Air Corps). only son of Mr. and Mrs. J.
A. Walker, Los Angeles, California (U.S.A The bride, who was given away by Lieut. Harvey Egherman, chose A white frock with matching tulle vell. Lieut. Walker before joining the U.S.
Air Corps was Professor of Physical Education at the The marriage of Margaret (Peg), elder daughter of Mr. P. A. Small, Sydney (N.S.W.), with Sgt. Kruse (A.I.F.).
eldest son of Mrs. Kruse, Lake Tyers, will be celebrated at St. Alban's Church, Armadale, next Wednesday afternoon. LADIES, CURL YOUR CURLS With CURLEY WURLIES. OBTAINABLE -Leading Stores and Warehouses, Melbourne.
Sydney, Adelaide. Sleep in comfort with the new Curling device. No metal to Irritate sensitive heads. Suitable adults and Advt. 1 ANTIQUES.
See Our Windows for Old and Modern Silver. China, Sheffleld Plate and Old Jewellery. A.M.D.P. 124 Elizabethstreet. Central Advt.1 CHURCH SERVICES TO-MORROW Independent and 7.
Scots Ormond ColRev. A. Penry Evans. lege Commemoration Day, Rev. D.
St. Paul's Holy F. Mitchell; 7, Rev. Golder Communion: 10.45, Matins, Arch- Burns. bishop Booth: 12, Holy Communion; Wesley Church Air Training 3.15.
Youth Service, Bishop of Ade- Corps Parade, Wing-Comlaide (Right Rev. B. P. Robin); 3.15, mander E. A.
Cato and Rev. A. G. Children's Service In Chapter House, Day; 3, P.S.A., Mr. W.
Bankes Rev. J. N. Falkingham: 4.14, Way- Amery: 7. Rev.
A. G. Day. side Service, Mr. G.
J. Allen; 7, Collins-street Baptist Church.Evensong, Canon Baglin. 11 and 7, Rev. J. A.
Lewis. Church of and 7, Rev. Australian and 7. C. B.
Nance-Kivell. Rev. C. Mervyn Plumb. St.
Patrick's 8 and 11 a.m., St. 9.30, Masses: 11, Solemn High Mass: Patrick's Cathedral. 3LO: 9.30 a.m.. 7, Devotions. Church of England.
Newcastle; Unitarian -11 and 7, Rev. p.m., St. John's Presbyterian Church, W. Bottomley. Essendon.
EDUCATION SUNDAY The Council for Christian Education in Schools has arranged a public meeting to be held in the Assembly Hall, Collins-street. on Education Sunday, October 29. Speakers will be Mr. Hughes, M.L.A., the head master of Wesley College (Mr. N.
MacNeil) and Miss H. Gilbert. Churches are lending their support to Education week, which will be held from October 25 to November 2. The 104th anniversary of the Sydney-road Methodist Church, Brunswick, will be celebrated with choral services to-morrow. Rev.
G. Dorias will preach A special course of evening sermons at the Church of St. Francis from October 21 to 29. At Christian Science services in Melbourne to-morrow the sublect of the lesson-sermon will be Doctrine of Atonement, The Bishop of Tasmania (Right Rev. G.
F. Cranswick) will speak at the Chapter House on Monday October 23, at a meeting to welcome Church Missionary Society missionaries returning from overseas on furlough. Archbishop Booth will Induct Rev. Douglas Blake to the charge of Christ Church, Essendon, next Thursday. Archbishop Mannix will officially open the annual convention of the Irish National Foresters' Society this evening.
The following changes in the charges of Presbyterian ministers have been announced: Rev. F. Reid, Burnley, has received a call from North Geelong -Lara charge, and Rev. P. Baker, Bamawm-Lockington, has been called to Woodend.
Following his appointment as pastoral assistant at Scots Church, Rev. M. McQueen has resigned the charge of East Kew. Resgnation have also been submitted by Rev. C.
R. Andrews (Ivanhoe) and Rev. J. T. Lawton (Hartwell).
Rev. F. E. Yeaman has accepted Another appointment after completing seven months' ministry at Murchison. The Presbytery of Bendigo has arranged for the Induction of Rev.
J. H. Ashmore at Heathcote early in November. Rev. J.
Norris has succeeded the late Rev. P. McGee as parish priest at Coburg. Other parish priests appointed by Archbishop Mannix are: -Revs. P.
Power (Heidelberg) M. Twomy (Castlemaine), S. Keane (Fawkner), T. O'Sullivan (Spring Vale) and M. O'Sullivan (Lillydale).
Rev. Creed has been appointed an assistant priest at St. Patrick's Cathedral. WIND FANS BUSH FIRE 600 Acres Swept Near Steiglitz Miss Marjorie -Progress Photograph Osborne to Pte. Miss Joyce Pearson to Pte.
Robert Davies. Neil Newman (A.I.F.). DATEN- Norma Dorothy, Pte. James McKenzie Briscoe Oaten. of Bundoora-parade.
A Mentone, to youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles turned N.C.). only son of Mrs. Briscoe and the late Mr.
Briscoe, of Mentone. daughter of Mrs. Roy Osborne, second of 220 Bell-street. East Preston. to Ple.
Robert John Davies fret. N.G.I, only son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Davies.
99 Albertstreet. Brunswick. June. W.A.A, A only child of Mr. and Mrs.
H. A. Parker. 32 Rooding-street. North Brighton.
to 9. Sat. Richard Carl Judson (U.9.A. A.C.I. cnly son of Mr.
and the late Mrs. R. C. Judson, of Rochester, New York. Miss Thessa Carroll to Mr.
Ronald Kingsford. Miss Gwenda Ekberg to Mr. Sydney Bysouth. Joyce Lorraine. eldest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. R. J. Ruthmines-street, Fairfield. to Pie, Neil David Newman (A.I.
nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Foley, Lower Heidelberg- road. Ivanhoe. Iris eldest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J. R. Richurds, 124 Barrow-street. Cobwig.
to Six. Ronaid D. returned). secend son of Mr. and Mrs.
A. LattiR. Cope-street. Coburg. The Engagement 1s announced of Aldyth Rundle.
only daughter of Mr. and Mfrs. C. Rundie, Youngmanstreet. Preston.
to Edward. only son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Plant, Mars -street.
Preston. -Jack Cato Miss Vesta Miss Myrtle Muir (A.W.L. Batt, to Lieut. to Mr. Al- Edwin Griff bert Gates.
(A.I.F.). eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Schreiber. 21 Wayside.
Heiramad, Wellington, N.Z.. to William J. G. (R.A.N.). only son of Mr.
and Mrs. John Muir. 59 Survey Hills. -Valmay Belle, second eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
H. Shaw. cf West Australia, to Hewish George (R.A.N., returned). eldest son of Mrs. L.
M. Wakenshaw. Murphygrove. Preston. engagement 15 announced of Jean.
youngest daughter of Mr. W. J. Sherwell and the late Mrs. Sherwell.
to Private James Robert, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Pelle. Griffith. N.S.
vouager daughter TWEDDLE-RADLEY. of Mr. and Isabel Mrs. Percy Tweddle. Wanda, to Supply Assistant Oswald H.
Radley (R.A.N,R.). elder son nt Mr. and Mrs. O. H.
Radley, tree Shenpartch. URWIN- Meryl Hiray, daughter ct Mr. and MIs. J. W.
Urwin. of "Lauriston." The Esplanade, Mornington, to Keith Albert. English. youngest 5011 of Mr. and Mrs.
C. A. of 88 East Doncaster-road. Mitcham. Mary.
only child of Mr. and Mrs. F. Waghorn, McPherson-avenue. Carnegie, to Signalman Arthur James (P.O,W.
Kerca), son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Kerr. of Station -street.
Malvera. -The engngement is announced ot Noelle Lesley. elder daughter of Mrs. A. M.
Williams, Noelstreet. Ivanhoe. to Sgt. Reginald Alfred. sort of Mr and Mrs.
A. Turner. Mackaystreet. Yarraville. SKIN IRRITATION be instantly stopped bv applying Black's ISO.
This modern germ destroving skin healer 1s the quickest cure for Eczema. Dermatitis. Pimples, Rashes. Impetiso and other skin troubles: all chemists. or posted.
from J. S. BLACK and 1 SONS. 198 Smith -street. Collingwood.
I Advt. YOUR TRUSS. Is It A Correct Fit 2 Trusses--steel spring or elastic belt- to Suit Every Form of Rupture, LONGMORES. The Melbourne Chemists. 185 Bourke-st.
SUPERFLUOUS HAIR DESTROYED. Results GUARANTEED. Send Stamped Addressed Envelope for Particulars. Mrs. F.
Hullen. 5th Floor. 259 Melbourne. Cent. Advt.
1 SUPERFLUOUS HAIRS AND MOLES Permanently Removed by Electric Treatment. This is the Only Method which has Proved Successful. Miss STONE has more than 25 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. MISS STONE, Talma-buildings. 119 Swanston-street, Opposite Town Hall.
Melbourne, A C.1. I UNSIGHTLY HAIR. MOLES. WARTS. Permanently Removed by DIATHERMIC DEPILATION bud NOT by Electrolysis.
Lowest Fees. No extras. Mrs. EDITH TAYLOR, DERMAPATHIC INSTITUTE. Australia's Foremost Skin Clinic.
National Bank-buildings. 271-9 Collins-street. C.1. VICTORIAN ARMY CASUALTIES AUSTRALIA AND ISLANDS. WENTWORTH.
Sor. A. Benalin. Previous Reports Varied Died of Injuries Accidentally Reecived. ALco*ck.
Pte. W. Horsham. LIGHT. Sigr.
E. Orbost. MINTRUP. Ple. W.
Collingwood. NIEHUS. DVr. R. PIPER.
N. Northcote. Drowned Accidentally, COWAN. St. Kilda, Wounded Accidentally.
CANAVAN. Lieut. W. West Preston. W.
Inglewood. PURBRICK. Capt. R. Camberwell.
Tocumwal. N.S.W. Seriously Ill. BAKER, Capt. E.
McL. Sale. BREARLEY. Lieut. G.
Albert Park. DOWNS. Pte. N. West Brunswick, EDWARDS.
Pte. S. N.8.W. GRAHAM. Pte.
H. Briagolong. W.0.2 D. F. Hawthorn.
PRIDMORE. Pte. F. Nathalin. TOLEMAN.
Dvr. Cavendish. AUSTRALIA AND THE ISLANDS. Dangerously Ill. -Cpl.
J. McE. McCulls, Melbourne. Seriously -Cpl. A.
F. Boyd, Marsborcugh: Tor. W. A. Richardson, Fitzroy, Removed from Seriously Pte, Cleasby.
Prahran: Pte. T. E. O'Brien. Footscray: Sur.
J. L. Piain. Footscray; H. H.
Reece. Brunswick: Spr. V. M. Vogel.
Richmond. Missing. Belleved P.O.W. -Pte. R.
Lambton. Caulfield. OVERSEAS. Killed Accidentally, -Pte, P. J.
O'Ratferty. Shenparton. Died of Illness Whilst P.O.W.-Sgt. J. L.
Anderson. Brighton: Pte, H. R. Booth. Moonee Ponds: Pte.
H. C. L. Boyes, Cheisea: Pte. R.
R. Dando. Essendon: G. King. Ormond: F.
E. Warren, Henlesville. Pte. J. Watson, Tongala.
Exchanged Prisoner of War. -Pte. J. Edington. North Fitzroy: Ple.
J. W. Gardner. North Melbourne: Onr. P.
A. Hawthorn: Gnr. J. L. George.
Coburg: Pte, F. Green. Melbourne: Pte. E. Millard.
West Brunswick: Major W. H. Perry. Caulfeld: Sigr. R.
E. Powell. Soutn Richmond: J. Power. Abbotaford: Pte.
8. C. Price, Keely: Pte. H. N.
W. Rose. Glen Iris: Pte. R. D.
Routledge. Mornington: Pte. T. C. Smith.
Frankston: Sor. H. L. Stewart. Blackburn: Pte.
J. W. Steele, Carnegic: Gor. G. Sutherland, Charleroi.
Whilst P.O,W.- Cpl. D. McL, Funston. Whittlesea Lieut. A.
Hunter, Are madale. Prisoner of War. Cpl. C. W.
T. Eagles, Cobure: Pte. a. Jackman. mend: Pie.
Thomas, Melbourne. Missing. Believed P.O.W.- Lieut. J. R.
Richards. Lang Lang. Captain and Club Membership Correcting an erroneous report which, owing to a misunderstanding, it had issued concerning Captain Ian Graeme MacCormack, Australian prisoner of war at Oflag VII. the acting secretary of the Australian Red Cross Society stated yesterday: "This report said that Captain MacCormack had become a member of the Army, Navy and Air Force Club in Victoria, that after his nomination the paper requiring his signature and other details for admission to the club was sent from Australian Red Cross through Geneva to Germany, and that this paper had been returned to Melbourne this week. The Navy.
Army and Air Force Club of Victoria points out that though the circ*mstances of the receipt of the ndmission form are unique in the history of the club, its receipt does not necessarily admit Captain MacCormack AS A member. They have A long waiting list of applicants for membership, and Captain MacCormack's, application will be considered in due acres of timbered Crown land GEELONG. Friday. About, were swept by a fire which broke out north-east of Steiglitz this morning. The fire was first noticed by Forestry Officer McLean, who, with First-Constable Maher, of Meredith, kept watch to see it did not get out of control.
Towards noon, strong northerly winds fanned the fire into vigorous flames. and it was decided that assistance was necessary. Constable Maher returned to Meredith, and was able to obtain the services of a number of members of the Meredith Bushfire Fighting Brigade and the Meredith Fire Brigade's engine. The fire swept over part of the properties of Messrs. Cooper and Cook, but at a late hour to-night the wind was reported to have dropped.
and the outbreak was brought under control, although some stumps were still burning. It WAS considered that unless more northerly winds occur the danger had passed. A quantity of fencing was destroyed during could have a cross between private and communal life." There is an interesting letter from a woman who is a small investor. She has thought over the problem of the small house. and, as she says, "before buying I studied every detail, and wondered how I would care to occupy It.
pay a fair rent and be contented and She is quite convinced that at present the Australian wants small front lawn easily kept tidy, and a back yard of not too large She is definite about flats. and states categorically "they must be out of the But she has some concrete things to say about our houses. Kitchens in her opinion should be large, high and airy, with wood fire and gas stove at one end. "The family meal," she goes un, "is taken at the other end. This room must have plenty of cupboards, and it is the room of house, for mother does everything, and she must keep work down.
The wash house, too, is always too small. Again, there are too few verandahs on the small homes, and a good back verandah is always appreciated. It is women who must design practical and convenient homes without undue She then concludes on the theme which is general throughout all the letters, "Recreation grounds must be provided, and they must be near and central." Of the same opinion is R. V. Jenison.
of Lillydale, who is sure that houses are the best thing for families. The letter reads this "'In my way of thinking small detached cottages with a strip of land are most essential for anyone with a family of children. Children are always healthier if they have 'Mother Earth' to play and dig in, and it teaches children to love their own particular plot. Again, most children love dogs. In a flat they would not be allowed that.
Flats are all right for business girls, but Australian mothers are the most sensible of all women: they always think first of the health of their SOS From Welfare House The Air Force Auxiliary Is sending out an SOS for assistance for their Welfare House for wives and dependants of Air Force men, at the corner of Chapeland Alma -road. The cook street. establishment is ill. Someone is needed to fill position, and until that time the auxiliary desperately needs help from volunteers. FIELD REGIMENT Welfare Association annual meeting will be held at the Legacy Club on Monday evening.
AMUsem*nTS HEART OF THE GOLDEN WEST in the Roy Rogers series of cowboy stories, "Heart of the Golden West." now Liberty Theatre, has the adders attractions of bright song hits, and well-sustained comedy from Smiley Burnette. Though the theme of the film is weak, it is well portrayed, and the result is slightly above the average western. Roy Rogers, with his friends. undertakes to protect the ranchers of Cherokee City from unjust shipping charges levied for transporting their cattle. Holdmurder and arson are all staged elaborately by the opposition when Rogers tries to convince a peppery southerner to run his steamship lines to Cherokee.
Food for the romantically inclined 1S the rapid love affair between the southerner's daughter and Rogers. The support. "The Living Ghost. is a hectic thriller telling of A mad killer who transforms his victims into white zombies. GUADALCANAL DIARY DE to be the first picture recording the fight by the American marines on this bitterly contested island, Guadalcanal Diary, the film version of the book by Richard Tregaskis, began its showing yesterday.
Although bearing the inevitable studio touch, especially in regard scenery, this production claims to be above the ordinary run of war pictures. Preston Foster, who admirably portrays the difficult part of Father Donnelly, shows how arduous and sad has been the lot of the chaplain who landed with the first contingents on the island. Sgt. Hook Malone (Lloyd Nolan), sworn at as much as he is sworn by, and "Taxi" Potts (William Bendix) provide the humorous episodes in an all-male cast. Guaranteed to crack even the stiffest lips is the supporting feature, The Dancing Masters, in which the inimitable Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy play the leading roles.
YEOMEN OF THE The J. C. Williamson Gilbert and Sullivan company will stage, compopular mencing at the The matinee Yeomen to-day, of the opera Guard. which will be presented for two weeks. NED final performof the Australian drama Ned Kelly will be given by the Dolla Ribush company at the Union Theatre to-night.
General Sessions Acquittals In the Court General Sessions yesterday Jack Francis was found not guilty on a charge of factory breaking. He WAS discharged by Judge Macindoe. Sidney Bloxsome was acquitted on A charge of having made a false declaration In an application for paper from the Department of Import Procurement, He was discharged by Judge Book." the outbreak. Forrest Blaze BEALIBA, northerly the height of the strong gale which blew to-day a fire broke out at Granites-Rheola State Forest. Mr.
A. A. Cameron. State president of the bush fire brigade, with a large number of vorunteers, left Bealiba with a power pump and equipment to fight the fire. The fire was under control at 9 p.m.
LAWLESSNESS IN PALESTINE son In connection with the communique issued by the commander in chief of the Middle East on lawlessness in Palestine, the Zionist Federation of Australia and New Zealand has issued the following all over, the world and of every shade opinion will endorse severe condemnation in the communique. The acts of terrorism are committed by a small group, wholly irresponsible, whose activities have severely castigated by the Jewish Agency for Palestine, the Jewish National Council, Rabbi Dr. Herzog, chief rabbi of Palestine; Dr. C. Weizmann, president of the World Zionist Organisation; and other leading Zionists, who have unreservedly repudiated them as un-Jewish, and described them as "unwittingly or maliciously helping the enemies of the Jewish people," "tarnishing the honor of Jewish Palestine," and "a stab in the back of the Jewish national, is home." only to be expected when it is recalled that the Jewish community of Palestine and Jews throughout the world have contributed with such wholehearted enthusiasm to every branch of the Allied war effort.
The appeal to the Jewish community to assist the forces of law and order by active collaboration and the giving of information has been answered before it was LATE ADVERTIsem*nTS DILLIARD Table, full size, Alco*ck de Pierce. private owner, perfect condition, complete set or Bonzoline Snooker and Billiard Balls, 12 Cues, all accessories, S. W. Josce, Colac. Private phone 184: office 37.
ILARIONET, buffet. case, excelTent order. 59 S. Yarra, perfect Saw Hobbies, condition, suitable spare toy saws maker, 111 Canterbury. WF7614.
DOLL top Desk. Cutler type. Botany, Howell's Agency. Warragul. LINGER.
D. head. 6-drawer. pin tray. beautiful order.
12 Eisternwick Rule. 10 German make. yon. 7 Box Hill. WX2697.
ANTED. Utility Truck, in Rood order. Price and particulara to Mr. Waite, Trafalgar Post Office. No dealers.
DISTRICT FARM PROPERTIES. -FOR QUICK Dairy Farm, 181 acres, with excellent tmprovements and outbuildings, 11 acres under oats, good pastures, well watered. PRICE. 42 per acre. (2) Small Dairy Farm.
75 acres, good improvements, 31 dairy cows. pedigree Ayrshire bull, young cattic. 7. calves and horse, Two Bartram Milking Plants, cans. walk In, walk out: price 3940.
(3) Dairy Farm. situated two unit miles from Camperdown, 181 acres watered by mills. carrying 100 head. two 6-roomed weatherboard dwellings. owners selling on account of Ill price 15 per acre.
HENRY JACOBS. Auctioneer and Agent, Warrnambool. Phone 81. PRESBYTERIAN. SIT.
George's 7 Chapel, Rev. E. St. H. a.m.
and p.m.. McKenzie, B.A. ROADWAYS NSETT ROADLINERS Leave Regularly A from Hamilton for Mt. Gambler, Casterton. Naracoorte, Rainbow.
Swan Hill. Ballarat, Warrnambool, Port Fairy and Digby, Bookings and full particulars from Ansett Airways 360 Collins-st. MU6014. HOTELS, HOLIDAY RESORTS MELBOURNE AND SUBURBS. Spencer-street, Melbourne.Single Rooms, from day: Double Rooms, from 8.6: Breakfast, extra.
Meals optional in tearoom or cafe. Full Board from day. per week, Tariff card on request. Guest House, 2 St. Kilds, is Now Open to Accom.
Country and Inter-State Visitors. THE HOTEL ALEXANDER. 122-132 MELBOURNE (Opposite Railway Station). 200 ROOMS, 200 BATHS. Melbourne's Most Popular Hotel.
RATES PER DAY: and Meals. from Room and Breakfast. from Special Rates for permanent Guests. M4 (10 lines). THE RICHARDSON CHAIN HOTEL.
APOLLO BAY (Seaside). CHALET Dec. Otway, 21 to Jan. -Opening 0. M.
Nov. Shallvey. no BAYSWATER (Country). ALDHEIM Farm House, good ace. exc.
tables, aft. tea, milk, eggs; W.E.. Mrs. D. Busch.
62. BELGRAVE (Country). al Clarcoma for restful holtSophia day, -grove. H. Belgrave sewered.
101. C. Palmer, ARGE Flat Vacant. Oct. 21 to Nov.
And Itom Nov. 18 to 25: also R. under house vacant. F.P.. table, dresser, stretchMrs.
Dawkins. Lilgreyhome. SMALL or furn. Flat, accom. 3.
vac. not Xmas. Loch Loword. MAS. large accom.
8 girls: 3 kitchens. Mrt. Lindsay, Auto Club. RENDIGO (Country). CITY CLUB HOTEL.
luxuricusly furn. with hot and cold water. Suites. with private bathrooms. Bendigo 204.
S. Fordyce. BUXTON (Country). -Farm. near Marysville, Ideal farm products, fishing.
shoot1118. tennis, dancing. E.L., H.W.S.. Xmas full. Phone 3.
CARRUM (Seaside), 31 PT. table, tennis Nepean-rd. and (Next golfing nearby. -Excellent right beach: sewered. Write proprietress.
CHELSEA (Seaside). VA Xmas and D.B.R. after. and 18 self cont. Blantyre- now, COWES (Seaside), CONTINENT Cower, 16.
Reservations H. Hewison. now. Xmas, OWES. Cora Lyn.
own milk and cream, log Ares. 23. OWES. Widgee. -Open for guests, near Holland, beach: no 14.
vacs. Xmas and Jan. OWES. Bonnie Doon. Opening Oct.
15 No Vacs. Xmas. Mrs. V. Pettersen.
Tel. Cower 28. OWES. Douglas House, £3 week. sewered.
H.W.; no vacs. Xmas. Tel. 25. H.
Dunn. OWES. sewered: no vacs. -2 min. Xmas, beach, Tel.
49. W.8.. Narrabeen now open; no VACS. Xmas. Tel.
Cowes 02. Xmas. dancing. billiards. riding; Jan.
full. Cowes 10. SLE of Wight Hotel. -Excellent Accom. and Services.
Vacancies to December 23 only and after the second week in February. Cower. 2 Jan. accom. for 6.
beach front, min. -Open stn. 34 Camp-st. booked Xmas and to guests. Fully January.
Tel. Cowes 2 DAYLESFORD (Country), A Sydalge hot baths, Flats, cutiery; from 01. No vacs. Xmas. booked Lake Xmas.
-Accom. for vialtors. Fully Tel. 236. Mrs.
R. Hay. Hallow Bank. -Accom. guests.
Mrs. J. Tel. 230. ELVEDERE House.
-Greatest Accom. springs Valur lakes, Ever Offered, centre of everything. amusem*nts, tennis. biflards, lounges. c.
A. M. Christie. 63. House, Ideal position.
mod. A.1. conva. Phone 195. P.
J. Pearce (late billiards, all modern overlooking lake And springs. Mrs. Kinsman. Phone 132.
Xmas. FLORIDA, Te. Cent. 29 -Good no vacA, Mrs. J.
Lilley. Xmas. Tel. -Good no vacs. DICCADILLY, 263.
Wilson. service. Tel. excels 217, in comfort; cuisine. Mra.
Roberta. -Sup. Accom. for visitors: no Xmas. Mra, Briggs, OWELLO for Superior Accom.
Write or phone Dayles. 80. A. K. Lockett.
at ops. -Sup. every conv. 198 M. Tessier, AVERY, HEPBURN SPRINGS (Country).
home: Timor House. Home away from D'ford 87. no vAcs. Xmas. Tel.
MOLLIE. 260. N. Sup. Hoskin.
Vacs, Tel. D'ford DURN. Nov. 9 only. 40 central, vacant Oct.
30 Williamstown. bk. X. House, Jenkins. vac, now, all DURN.
TEPBURN sew. gar. ULWORTH. Close 114. Springs Min.
Nicholson. Every conv. also and Baths turn. Cottage to Let Mrs. Gleeson.
Tel. 80. 8. sew. con 2 min.
Tel. Springs. H.W v. 197. Cashili EMERALD (Country).
BELLE, main rd. healthiest township In Victoria, tennis court, piano. wirescenic walks: tarin C2 107 ner day, back other door, than holidava. Railway tion Phone Emerald 14 FRANKSTON. AXWELTON House.
-Bonk now and after Jan. Melbourne-road. M. Ba 8 for ct 01 Att. pet and da' Your YOUTH PROCESSION Anglican Youth Week celebrations will culminate to-morrow Afternoon in a grand procession from the Treasury Gardens to St.
Paul's Cathedral, where the Bishop of Adelaide (Right Rev. B. P. Robin) will conduct a youth service. Led by members of ne clergy in their robes, the procession will pass through Collins, Russell and Flinders streets.
Members of Sunday school classes. fellowships and other youth groups will take part. At Holy Trinity Church, East Melbourne, Corporate Communion for all young men and women of the parish will be celebrated. Archbishop Booth will preach at St. Paul's Cathedral on Sunday morning.
He will conduct a COllfirmation service at Holy Trinity Church, Kew, in the afternoon, and will at St. Columb's Church, Hawthorn, in the evening. Permission has been granted to five Methodist woman missionaries to return to Papua. They are Misses B. Coulson, E.
Twyford and N. Pitty, who are nurses. and Misses J. Pearce and D. Coltheart, teachers.
The nalf-yearly church parade of No. Wing of the R.A.A.F. Air Training Corps will be held to-morrow morning. More than 1000 lads, representing 15 metropolitan and 11 country squadrons, will assemble at the Treasury Gardens and march to services at St. Patrick's Cathedral and Wesley Church.
Mission Sunday will be observed in all Catholic churches on Sunday. At St. Patrick's Cathedral the preacher will be Rev. O'Rourke, diocesan director of Catholic missions. Dr.
J. Mackenzie will conclude his work As senior minister of Toorak Presbyterian Church on Sunday, October 29. Mr. W. Bankes Amery, leader of the British Food Mission, will speak on Britain's Five Years of Blockade at the Wesley Church Pleasant Sunday Afternoon tomorrow.
The Ormond College annual service of thanksgiving and commemoration will be held at Scots Church, Collins-street, to-morrow morning. Mr. Hollins (M.L.A.) will conthe afternoon service at Hawthorn Church of Christ next sundayi, be when the celebrated. 71st anniverThe annual service of the Scottish Mothers' Union will be held at Scots Church, Collins-street. next Wednesday afternoon.
Rev Eric Owen will give the address. WAS pasteurisation, because, although long competent licensed dairymen to set up the necessary pasteurisation plant, there were many who had not done so. Mr. Martin said he considered the committee, which comprised Mr. Talbot (chief veterinary offlcer, Department of Agriculture, chairman); Dr.
Albiston (director. of veterinary research, Melbourne University); Mr. Packer (chairman, Milk Board) and Dr. Cahill (British Medical Association) WAS had a most competent body. It interviewed many experts, including one from abroad.
The Government was determined that Melbourne should have a milk supply which would be second to none anywhere in the world, and which would safeguard the health of the community against the possibility of Infection by milk-borne diseases. The health of the people was paramount, and it was obvious that control was necessary. people's referendum verdict mentioned by Mr. Scott gave no mandate to any Government to neglect the health of the people. The Pasteurisation Act, in providing for the establishment by municipalities of the pasteurisation units meant that the control WAS largely in the hands of the consumers.
Mr. Martin welcomed the statement by the secretary of the Milk Distributors' Association (Mr. J. E. Welsh) in "The Age' yesterday, that an Investigation into purity of Melbourne's milk supply, was being conducted independently a leading dairy technologist with experience.
Mr. Martin added that he would be glad of suggestions designed to ensure that the metropolitan milk he agreed that Melbourne's milk supply was improved. Although supply compared favorably with many cities in the world, that WAS no reason why they should not make it the best in the world, which he was confident A properly organised pasteurisation plant could do. This morning Air Vice-Marshal A. T.
Cole, Air Member for Personnel, will take the salute In Collins-street of A march past by 1500 Air Trailing Corps cadets, commanded by Wing-Commander E. A. Cato, in Loan. support or of the Second Victory 1 de pa. Set Gd 3rd at Mr..