The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

THE PLAIN DEALER, SUNDAY, JANUARY 31, 1988 8-G CHESS NEW YORK TIMES MAGAZINE CROSSWORD: Special People By Mary Virginia by Eugene T. Maleska NEW YORK TIMES MAGAZINE CROSSWORD: 11 ACROSS 1 Mulligrubs 6 Gil of Santillane 10 Interference of a sort 16 Gambling house 17. Astronaut's lap 18 Condiment mixtures 20 Canaster canister 21 Formicidae fancier 23 Greek flasks 24 Paraguay's largest Gogh's lake 26 Van adopted city 27 generis (unique) 28 Ending for cell or jug 29 Masters's river 30 Manitoban natives 31 Place for an imperial DOWN 1 One skilled in bell ringing 2 Willow branch 3 Covers 4 Italian's diminutive suffix 5 Member of a ballet corps 6 Orator from Salem, Ill. 7 Shipment from Ore. 8 Object 9 Solid portion of a fat 10 Scarfs for priests 11 Judicial writ QUOTE-ACROSTIC 32 H.S.T.

became 58 Ancient one in 1934 strongbox 33 District of 59 Custody Gotham 60 Script 34 Computer direction parts 61 Not 35 Surfer's I Unusual," Tom surface Jones hit 36 Capital of 62 Werewolf Japan, to 66 Strike Commodore 67 Ancient Perry lyrelike 37 Interpreter of instrument sacred 69 Sights in Rome mysteries 70 Vertical pieces 40 Flintlike rocks in panels 41 Tours's river 71 Genethliacons 43 Coffin's 72 S. Foster's 1938 "Louisiana 44 Alewife relative 73 Actor Tom 45 Sorus contents from Owens47 Rouen room boro, Ky. 48 House of four 74 Coalesces Georges 77 Crossbowman. 52 William Blake 79 Bizarre subject 82 Sycophants' 53 One who thinks replies snakes are 83 Leaf angles charming 84 in the 56 Samuel's tutor 57 Patriotic i A 85 The Gentle pamphleteer 'General 30 12 Disney's 29 Evenings; inventive Paris mouse 30 French couturier 13 Label 31 Product of 14 Roscommon Nicaea resident 33 More reserved 15 cousin Sophist's 34 Lip: Comb. form 16 Picked out 35 Gregorian carefully 38 Marlon 17 "Typee" Brando, 19 sequel originally Pennypinches 20 Wharton's 39 Religious language "The of Buddhism Mirth" 40 Ornament 22 Inched along metal surface 25 Adjective for 42 Blende and Richard prill HOW TO SOLVE: Define clues in Words column.

Transfer letters to diagram. Quotation reads across; first letters of Words column form acrostic of speaker's name and topic. CLUES WORDS A. The Bible, 88 150 40 79 58 141 158 16 after de The 12 313 MI IT B. Curtails 17 153 95 92 31 53 81 65 8 10 9187 adiuo 8 mi cola C.

Attained 122 39 76 22. 68 718 735 77240 OVEr D. Lazy 148 43 84 96 108 759 20 8 143 60 character: comp. wd. E.

Grave marker 137 113 85 13 36 152 37 193 F. Protective 10 707 25 18 705 29 129 57 44 serum G. National 64 30 761 73 9 717 130 61 Park, California H. Decorative 77 38 114 738 80 732 7 49 702 149 window molding I. Drug 11 134 109 126 32 34 26 97 producing forgetfulness J.

Detested 91 157 121 15 98 742 5 62 K. Ospreys: 28 89 155 125 48 6 140 160 75 2 wds. I L. Measuring 147 24 67 41 119 724 70 56 instrument M. The devil: 66 735 144 46 55 52 71 47 23 2 2 wds.

31 A N. Occupancy 82 27. 78 703 723 727 69. 12. 0.

Ancient 104 86 712 51 74 4 93 region 4 of France P. Ancient 33 716 731 751 706 706 42 94 754 French standard JUMBLE AND CROSSWORD SOLUTION by Henri Arnold and Bob Lee Unscramble these six Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form Happy Who six ordinary words. birthday, needs Grandpa this? PREFIL Tribune Urdu inc AM Rights Reserved RAWLEY INTOOM I PRACET WHAT GRANDPA SAID BACHEL HE WOULD DO WHEN HE WAS GIVEN A COMB. Now arrange the circled letters to MIRVEN TO form gested the by the surprise above answer, cartoon. as sugPRINT YOUR ANSWER IN THE CIRCLES BELOW XXX IT By CURTIS GARNER 18TH GRAND NATIONAL U.S.

CORRESPONDENCE CHESS CHAMPION Problem 595. By M. Lipton. lemnoter, 1962. White mates in two moves (12 pieces): 5 FE Mail your solution to Curtis Gar- ner, Gates Mills, 0.

44040. 'LAST WEEK'S PROBLEM, No. :594, had no solution because a pawn was omitted from KR2. With the pawn, the solution is: Key 1. K-B7! leaving Black three moves.

If PxN 2. Q-R3 mate. If EK-R3 2. Q-N6 mate. And if K-R5 2..

N-B3 Solvers who point out this error will receive credit in the column. (These columns are submitted for eight days in WALT JANKOWSKI is for solving the Jasper No. 590. His accomplishment was not acknowledged last week with the other six who solved the problem because it was delayed in the mail. THE SPECIAL PRIZE games of the 1987 U.S.

Championship tournaments have been provided by the U.S. Chess Federation. Brilliancy Prize, women's tournament. Sharon Burt'man, White, vs. Mary Kuhner: 1.

P-Q4 P-K3 2. P-QB4 P-KB4 3. N-KB3 N-KB3 4. P-KN3 B-K2 5. B-N2 0-0 6.

0-0 P-Q4 7. P-N3 N-K5 8. B-QR3 BxB 9. NxB P-B3 10. N-B2 N-Q2 11.

QN-K1 QN-B3 12. N-Q3 B-Q2 .13. Q-B2 B-K1 14. Q-N2 P-KN4 15. 'N(B3)-K5 B-R5 16.

P-B5 N(B3)-Q2 17. P-QN4 P-QR3 18. B-B3 BxB 19. PxB! N(K5)-B3 20. KR-K1 KR-K1 21.

P-QR4 NxN 22. NxN N-Q2 23. Q-Q2 NxN 24. RxN Q-B3 25. QR-K1 K-B2 26.

Q-03 P-R3 27. P-N4 PxP 28. PxP K-N2 29. Q-K2 K-B2 30. 'R-K3 31.

RxP RxR 32. QxR QxQ 33. RxQ R-KB1 34. R-K7ch 35. KxR 36.

K-N2 K-B3 37-K-B3 K-K3 38. K-K3 K-B3 39. P- B4 PxPch 40. KxP K-K3 41. P-R4.

K-B3 42. K-K3 K-K3 43. K-Q3 Resigns. White will Queen a' K-side pawn or a Q-side pawn. 2 Crenshaw Combination Prize.

Sergey Kudrin, White, vs. Michael Wilder: 1. 1. P-K4 P-QB4 2. N-KB3 P-03 3.

P-04 PxP 4. NxP N-KB3 5. N-QB3 N-B3 6. B-KN5 P-K3 7. Q-Q2 P-QR3 8.

0-0-0 P-R3 9. B-K3 B-K2 10. P-KB4 NxN 11. BxN P-QN4 12. B-03 B-N2 13.

K-N1 P-N5 14. N-K2 0-0 15. N-N3 P-QR4 16. P-K5 PxP 17. PxP N-04 18.

N-R5 Q-B2 19. Q-K2 KR-Q1 20. KR-B1 B-KB1 21. K-R1 P-R5 22. Q-K4 P-N3 23.

Q-N4 K-R1 24. BxP PxB 25. P-R6! 26. QxKP PxPch 27. K-N1 R-R3 28.

Q-B5 B-B4 29. P-K6ch BxB 30. RxB N-B6ch 31. KxP RxPch 32. K-N3 R-R6ch 33.

K-N2 N-R5ch 34. K-N1 35. Resigns. Mate in two. Crenshaw Endgame Prize.

Michael Rhode, White, vs. Jay Whitehead: 1. P-K4 P-QB4 2. N-KB3 N-QB3 3. P-04 PxP 4.

NxP N-B3 5. N-QB3 P-Q3 6. B-K3 N-KN5 7. B-KN5 Q-N3 8. B-N5 P-K4 9.

N-Q5! QxN 10. PxQ 11. N-B7ch K-02 12. NxR P-KR3 13. B-Q2 K-Q1 14.

P-QR4 B-Q2 15. P-R5 K-B1 16. 0-0 K-N1 17. N-N6 PxN 18. PxP QN-K4 19.

B-K2 P-KN4 20. R-R5 R-R4 B-K2 22. KR-R1 23. RxP! KN-K4 24." R-R8ch N-N1 25. B-QN4 B-QB3 26.

BxP BxB 27. RxB BxP 28. P-QB4 P-N5 29. P-QN4 P-R4 30. R-R5 N(K4)-B3 31.

RxP! RxR 32. BxPch R-B4 33. P-B3 B-B7 34. R-B6 N-05 35. RxP N-Q2 36.

BxR BxB 37. P-B5 K-Q1 38. P-R4 K-K1 39. R-N7 K-B1 40. R-N5 N-K4 41.

R-R5 K-K2 42. K-B2 K-B3 43. R-R6ch K-K2 44. R-Q6 N-Q6ch 45. K-B1.

N-N4 46. R-Q5 K-K3 47. P-B6! NxP 48. PxP N-B3 49. R-Q8! N-Q3 50.

R-QB8! B-Q6ch 51. K-B2 B-R3 52. RxN BxP 53. R-B7 Resigns. Crenshaw Swindle Prize.

Dimitry Gurevich, White, vs. Larry Christiansen: 1. P-Q4 N-KB3 2. P-QB4 P-K3 3. N-KB3 P-QN3 4.

P-KN3 B-N5ch 5. 3-Q2 BxBch 6. QxB B-R3 7. P-N3 0-0 8. B-N2 P-Q4 9.

0-0 P-B3 10. Q-B2 QN-Q2 11. QN-Q2 P. B4 12. P-K4 PxQP 13.

KPxP PxP 14. NxP R- 15. KR-K1 P-N3 16. P-QN4 BxP 17. Q-R4 Q-B2 18.

B-R3 QR-K1 19. NxB RxRch 20. RxR QxN 21. N-B6 Q-B6 22. R-K3 23.

K-N2 N-N1 24. NxN P-05 25. R-B3 26. Q-B6 Q-K8 27. N-Q7 N-Q7 28.

P-N4 P-06 29. N-B6ch K-N2 30. R-B4 Q-K4 31. N-05 N-K5 32. R-B3 P-Q7 33.

R-Q3 R-Q1 34. Q-B4 N-B3 35. N-K3 P-QN4 ..36. Q-B3 Q-K5ch 37. P-B3 QxR 38.

RxQ 39. White resigns. "Problem solvers No. 592 (cont'd): Joe Bowen, Patrick J. Day, Ed Durand, Carl J.

Farmer, Harold Hilligas, JUNO, Milton McDonald, Michael Sawviski, SPORT. 10 12 13 15 86 Waterproof boots 87 Needlework loop 88 Opponent of 85 Across 90 Lounge piece 91 Khan 92 "Diary of a Madman" author 93 Site of St. Columba's monastery 94 Dickens villain 95 Actor in a mob scene 99 Comic's regular act 101 Oozing 102 Stunted ones 103 Stilton or Tilsit 104 One who takes possession, in law 105 Adam Bede's younger brother' 106 Composer "The Fool" 1 1 in 44 45 46 47 49 51 50 53 54 of 55 a 58 60 Actress in "Rocky" Follower of Zeno Palace in Florence Org. founded in 1866 Flags expert Upper crust Liturgical forms Killer whales Ga. county or river Cumberland and Romanche A portrayer of Dr.

Kildare Nobel chemist 95 96 16 104 86. 101 Fischer: 1902 62 Entertainers Cheryl and Alan 63 High-pitched 64 Wahiawa wiggles 65 Tricklet 66 Exacting 68 Sharpens 2 3 4 0 05 6 7 8 10 11 I 12 13 14 0 15 16 A 17. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 I 27 28 29 30 31 32 I 33 34 I 35 0 36 37 38 39 40 A 41 42 143 44 145 46 47 48 49 50 51 0 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 A 59 160 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 76 77 78 79 A 80 81 82 83 0 84 85 86 0 87 0 88 A 89 90 91 92 8 93 01 94 95 96 0 097 98 99 Q100P 101R 102H 103N 1040 105F EST 106P 107F 108D 1091 110P 1115 1120 113E 114M 115R 1160 117G 118C 119L a 1200 121J 122C 123N 124L 125K 11261 127N 128R 129F 130G 131P 132H 1335 1341 135M 136R 3137E 138H 139C 140K 141A 142J 143D 144M 1455 146R 147L 1480 149H 150A 151P 152E 1538 154P 155K 156R 157J 158A 1590 160K 161G Q. To that place 120 83 99 87 35 716 14 1 R. Mounted 101 146 50 715 736.

756 1 45 728 courier S. Highfalutin' 133 90 711 63 59 145 54 21 Solution on next page as ON NO 00 a 0000 a as 3 1 03 s3 A a 3 1 el a MADE 3 do IN 01 10 1s 0 0 10 00 3 A ON 000 0 01 do a 03 M3 HO NES M0 10 No as 0 00 dA d10 1003 LAN 00 a 00 e8 0 ON 00100 Jumble solution on next page 17 18 120 123 32 36 45 52 57 61 26 30 31 53 155 56 58 59 60 63 165 66 69 70 72 73 77 78 79 80 83 84 85 87 88 89 90. 92 93 97 98 99 100 102 103 105 106 70 Nectarous 77 Saw 89 Rogers and 96 Roof piece 72 78 Pen or cob Wilkins 97 Tentwort or They 80 Give the 90 Gluts boronia take umbrage meaning of 98 Subject of 21 73 Governor of a 92 Austrian uni- Across province 81 Patriot Silas versity town 100 Cry of amused 74 Shunt; evade 94 Gasohol, e.g. surprise 75 National and 83 Disputatious American one 76 Edmond 87 Cuban's drum Solution below e.g. 88 Waistline St.

teD rood CANITO Silver shekel of Judea. Price trends chronicled in weekly publication By LEON LINDHEIM Originals exist, but beware: A Since the early 1960s, Coin World, a weekly numismatic publication, has charted the prices of selected dates of various U.S. coin denominations, generally in brillant, uncirculated condition. For nearly 25 years, interesting facts have emerged. Peace dollars have increased in value 305 fold, followed by Morgan dollars, which have risen 253 fold.

The next best results were obtained by investors in gold dollars, which increased 110 times in value. In this same period, Lincoln cents, Jefferson nickels and Roosevelt dimes only rose three to four times in value, while Barber dimes, quarters and halves did only slightly better. If you would enjoy following these trends, you may wish to subscribe to Coin World, P.O. Box 150, Sidney, 0. 45367.

You can get a free sample copy by writing it and mentioning this column. DID YOU KNOW that a shekel was originally a measure of weight? According to my dictionary, a shekel is "an ancient weight unit used by the Hebrews, Babylonians, equal to about half an ounce" or "a half-ounce gold or silver coin of the ancient Hebrews." If we remember that until recently a coin was supposed to have a metallic content equal in value to its worth, then it seems logical that the term was used to designate the first coins struck by the Hebrews. One of my source books said that when Antiochus VII in 141 B.C. appointed Simon Maccabeus governor of Jerusalem and declared it a free city, one of Maccabeus' first acts was to establish coinage for the city and name the unit a shekel. On its face was a chalice, and directly above it were the letters designating the year of freedom.

In other words, 140 B.C. would show "Year Two" and 139 B.C. would show "Year Three." The letters around the border translate to "Shekel of Israel." On the reverse, the triple lilies were pictured with letters that translate into "Jerusalem the Holy City." The shekel is quite thick, which lends credence to the theory that a ball of silver was placed between hardened dies and then struck a powerful blow with a mallet or hammer. 35 40 Originals exist, but beware: A great many forgeries also are offered for sale. Q.

Why does the 1934-S silver dollar sell for about five times that of the 1928 silver dollar? A. This is a good question since the 1928 coin had a mintage of only 360,649 and sells uncirculated for about $250, while the 1934-S had a coinage of 1,011,000 pieces and sells for about $1,300. In 1929, it was announced that the 1928 pieces were not being in circulation, but were being set aside "for cornerstone laying, or other dedicatory purposes." Therefore, the collectors of that day wrote to the Treasury Department in Washington for single pieces, stating that they had a need for them, real or imagined. As a result, many were saved in new condition as compared to the 1934-S silver dollars, which were released into circulation by the San Francisco Mint as The end result is that far fewer 1934-S coins art known today in new condition than 1928 pieces. Q.

Why do certain British colonial coins show Elizabeth II bareheaded and others show her with a crowned head? L.B. A. If the British possession is the queen is bareheaded. But if the possession is considered a colony (referred to as a "Crown the ruler is shown wearing a crown. Q.

Is there anything wrong in repairing a mutilated coin? A. As long as you do not intend to misrepresent the piece, I see nothing wrong. It is unlawful to deface an American coin. But should you repair one already mutilated with a or a solder mark, you can only be accused of trying to improve such a coin, not spoiling it. STAMPS AND COINS COIN WISE, INC.

Leon T. Lindhelm PRESIDENT and RARE COIN Author of Award- -Winning, Hationalty 4 Syndicated Newspaper Column: Coin-Wise Consultant to Buyers and Seilers of Coins Since 1950 Member, Appraisers Assoc. of America Fellow American Numismatic Society NOT A DEALER COIN- WISE, INC. P.O. BOX 22221 CLEVELAND, OHIO 44122 PH: (216) 464-3517 43 50 168 COINS.

The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

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Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.